WO Activity location - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Optimized WO Sequence

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The location of each WO activity is indicated on the map using a WO pin. The location of this pin is based on the x/y coordinates specified on the WO equipment record in base EAM. See Work Order Activities for details.

Below each WO pin will be details of the WO activity. These details include: <dispatch Sequence>-<WO#>/<Activity#>. If there is more than one activity at the WO pin location (i.e., the WO activities are for the same equipment), then the information displayed below the pin will represent the WO activity with the lowest dispatch Sequence.

If the WO pin is selected/pressed:

  • The system will zoom into the WO pin location.

  • A callout will show the same information described above for the WO activity. In addition, the WO equipment code will be displayed.

  • An options icon will be displayed.

If there is more than one activity at the WO pin location when the pin is selected/pressed, the system will show a list of the WO activities at that location with an options icon for each.

If the options icon is selected, the system will display the following options for the selected WO activity:

  • View Work Order

  • Show Directions

  • Start Travel Timer

  • Android – The sequence, WO, and activity information displayed below the WO pin (as described above) will NOT be displayed for the Android OS. If a WO pin is selected/touched, the system WILL display this information in Apple and Android OS once the system zooms in to that location.

  • See the section dedicated to each of these options below for more details.