MOBGSPRF - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile for Transit Configuring GIS Map View

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Define the 4 digit Well Known ID of the spatial reference for the basemap defined by the MOBGBURL parameter.

Example: 3857

The system assumes the Web Mercator Spatial Reference (WKID: 3857) if this parameter is left blank in EAM (i.e. this parameter does NOT need to be populated in EAM if the basemap uses the Web Mercator Spatial Reference). The value of this parameter is not displayed on the mobile device and therefore cannot be updated on the device.

  • There is at least one instance where the latest WKID is not supported by the version of the iOS SDK used for this version of the mobile transit app. The WKIDs are updated periodically. If the app is not able to download the basemap using the latest WKID we recommend trying the original WKID. This could be a 6 digit WKID. For example, we have found that the latest WKID (2263) for New York State Plane Long Island will not work. However, using the original WKID for this basemap (102718) does work.

  • Beginning with HxGN EAM Mobile for Transit v11.3 it is no longer required that the basemap specified by EAM parameter MOBGBURL and the feature server specified by EAM parameter MOBGMAP be in the same spatial reference.