Layers in the feature service defined by the MOBGMAP parameter that will be available for download to the mobile device by default. Layer names of the feature service can be found in the feature service REST endpoint. This parameter does NOT have to be populated in EAM to use the Map View screen; however, the user will need to specify which feature service layers should be accessible on the device prior to initial sync. Multiple layer names should be entered in the parameter as a comma separated list.
Example: BusStops, ComboInlet, CurbInlet, GrateInlet, ManHole
This list will be displayed and checked by default on the Map Configurations and GIS Settings screen. In addition, all other layers available in the feature service will be displayed, but they will not be flagged as available by default. The user can change these selections on their device. Selected layers will be available on the device. The visibility of available layers can be controlled within the Map View.