Using an ArcGIS hosted basemap service - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile for Transit Configuring GIS Map View

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In most cases, we recommend using one of the ArcGIS hosted basemap services. As mentioned previously, these services are considered ‘Premium Content’ by ESRI and their use in EAM Mobile Transit does consume credits.

If the basemap is hosted by ArcGIS Online, these credits will be charged to the ArcGIS User Credentials entered for the portal credentials prompt in the Mobile Transit app. A list of basemaps available for use is located here:

Find the Map service that you would like to use, then click the details link for that service.

When setting up the EAM Install Parameters, you will need to populate the MOBGBURL (the URL of the basemap service to be used) parameter (for more information see the ‘Configuring the EAM Install Parameters’ section). See the highlighted portion of the image below (from the map services ‘details’ page) to find the location of the URL to the ArcGIS Online hosted tiled map service.

  • If the basemap URL will be added to a customer’s portal, then the portal will generate a new URL relative to the portal that will need to be entered into MOBGBURL.

  • If ArcGIS Online is used to host the customer’s basemap the tile count cannot exceed 100,000.

In an ArcGIS Portal environment there are a few more configuration steps necessary. First, see the steps above to find the URL to the Tiled Basemap service that you want to configure for use in your ArcGIS Portal environment.

After determining the URL to the Tiled Basemap service that you want to use, you will need to go to the ‘My Content’ section of ArcGIS Portal. Select ‘Add Item’, then select ‘From the web’.

Next, ensure that the ‘ArcGIS server web service’ radio option is selected. Enter the URL to the ArcGIS hosted Tiled Basemap service of your choosing.

Ensure that the ‘Store credentials with service item. Do not prompt for authentication’ radio option is selected. Next, you will need to have an ArcGIS Online account setup. This account will be charged any credits necessary for consuming the ArcGIS Hosted Tiled Basemap service. Enter the credentials for this account into the Username and Password inputs. And select ‘Add Item’.

  • This user must exist in ArcGIS Online (not on the customer’s portal) so that download credits can be charged to them in the scenario where they are using one of ESRIs basemaps.

  • For all mobile users who download the basemap this is the user who will be charged credits. In other words, each ‘named’ mobile user setup in the portal and on each device will not be charged.

Next, find the newly added item in the list of ‘My Content’. Click the link on the item’s name to bring up the item’s ‘Details’ page.

From here you will want to select the ‘Share’ option. This allows you to configure which ArcGIS Portal users have access to this content.

Finally, on the item’s Detail page (for customer portal), scroll down until you reach the Map Contents section. The URL Listed here is the value that will need to be entered when configuring the EAM Server Install Parameters for the parameter MOBGBURL.

If the basemap is in ArcGIS Online, versus customer portal, then the URL will be listed in the URL section on the bottom right of the screen.