Creating work requests - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Mobile - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile User Quarter VGA

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Create work requests for maintenance work orders, and then supervisors or other authorized employees can either approve or reject them.

If you have rights to create records in the default organization, the system populates Org with your default organization. If you do not have rights to create records in the default organization or if your default organization is not valid, then Org remains empty. If there is no default organization, the system uses the DEFORG install parameter if you have rights to create records in that organization. Otherwise, Org remains empty.

  1. Select Work > Create Work Request/Work Order

  2. Specify this information:

    Desc - Specify a description of the problem.

    Org - Specify the organization to which the work belongs if you use multi-organization security.

    Type - Specify the type of work needed, such as breakdown, repairable spare, etc.

    Status - Specify the status of the work.

    Equip - Specify the equipment on which to perform the work.

    After entering the equipment, the system displays a message asking if you want to view equipment details. Tap Yes to view equipment details, or tap No to continue entering the work order.

    Proj - Specify the project and the project budget.

    Dept - Specify the maintenance responsibility center responsible for the work.

    HxGN EAM Mobile inherits the security setting for Dept based on the security setting specified in HxGN EAM.

    Locatn - Specify the location of the work to be done.

    Class - Specify the class of the work request.

  3. Tap Next. The system displays the next Create Work Order screen.

  4. Specify this information:

    Report - Specify the date the work request was reported.

    Target - Specify the target start date for the work request.

    Due - Specify the due date for the work.

    Warranty - Select if the equipment is under manufacturer warranty.

    Safety - Select if this work requires special safety precautions.

    Duratn - Specify the duration of the work in days.

    Parent - Specify the parent work order.

    Assign - Specify the person responsible for the work request.

    CostCo - Specify the cost code assigned to the work request.

    ProbCo - Specify the code identifying the problem.

    StdWO - Specify the standard work order.

    Priority - Specify the priority of the work request.

  5. Tap Save.

  6. Tap Yes.