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HxGN EAM Mobile Apps Release Notes for 12.1 202401

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HxGN EAM Version

Multi-Document Upload

The Multi-Document Upload functionality has been added to the document quick access when the user accesses this option from any record view. The options within this multi-document upload are:

  1. Select from Image Library – This will open the device’s default photo library where the user can select up to 5 photos/videos at a time. The device will not let the user select more than 5 items at a time from here for iOS only, since iOS has built in functionality within the image library to limit 5 items at a time. For Android, the system will behave like the Select File option below – i.e., more than 5 items can be selected, but the user will be alerted to update the queue to be <=5.

  2. Select File – This will open the device’s folder to select file(s). If more than 5 items are selected, the user will be alerted to update the queue to be <=5.


After the items are added to the queue, the user can edit to add/remove items any time before the upload is started – by using the Add or Edit button on the top right corner of this form. When the user hits the Upload button, the way the system processes the batch upload is sequential – i.e., it will process in the order in which the items were picked. So, if the first item picked exceeds the file size specified within the server, it will stop processing the rest, and display the error message. If the documents are uploaded successfully, the total number of documents successfully uploaded will be shown in a success message.

Internal Authentication check box

A new Internal Authentication check box has been to the login settings screen. The purpose of this check box is to provide a mechanism similar to base EAM, wherein - even if the build is configured to support SSO using the SSO configuration screen, it provides an alternate authentication mode which allows for authentication to be handled by EAM (in base EAM this is done by passing the authentication mode parameter in the URL of the login screen. This check box is the Digital work equivalent of passing this parameter.

The passwords will no longer be managed by the SSO provider but will be at the user level. This check box can be used in tandem with biometrics.