Breakdown Linear Work tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Linear Equipment

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

On the Breakdown Linear Work tab of the PM Schedules screen, you can breakdown the PM work that must be executed for the linear equipment into manageable sections. A yearly overhead lines inspection is a regulatory requirement. You can setup one work order and do all 24 miles on that work order, or you can create one work order per month covering only 2 miles each. Both options are already supported in HxGN EAM on the Equipment tab of the PM Schedules screen. The second option of creating one work order per month requires more manual entry, but the Breakdown Linear Work tab helps with this.

This tab has the following important attributes relating to the linear breakdown:

  • Equipment - The equipment must be linear and must be listed on the Equipment tab already. If the same equipment is listed more than once and the records do not have Set ID filled in, then the system assumes you are maintaining these records individually and therefore they will not be displayed. Simply delete all of them until you have one left if you want to use the breakdown feature. Another criterion is that meter readings cannot be used. This function only works for calendar-based PMs. Linear equipment with a Set ID filled in can be reselected here as well for update of the breakdown records.

  • Breakdown Into - Enter the number of sections (number of work orders) into which you want to breakdown the PM work

  • Start Date - Due Date that will be assigned to the first section. When the system generates the preview, this date may automatically change, for example due to the setting of Perform On.

  • Breakdown From/To - Enter the start and end (range) on the linear equipment for which you want to work orders to be generated. Typically, this should be the complete length, but you can select a subset.

  • Perform Every - Frequency of the PM work.

  • Precision - The number of decimals with which the From Point and To Point will be calculated.

Once you have entered the required equipment details in the top part of the screen click the Create/Refresh Preview button. This button will populate the grid based on the selections in the top as follows:

  • Due Date - Distributed over time considering the settings of Perform Every and Breakdown Into. For example, if your frequency is once a year and you want to break the work down into 12 sections, the system will generate 12 rows with the due dates one month apart. You can manually change any of the dates as required.

  • From Point - Distributed evenly considering the settings for Breakdown From/To and Breakdown Into. For example, if your distance is 24,000 and you want to break the work down into 12 sections, the system will generate 12 rows with the From Point 2,000 apart. You can manually change this value as required.

  • To Point - Distributed evenly considering the settings for Breakdown From/To and Breakdown Into. Like From Point.

  • Distance - To Point minus From Point. Display only field.

  • Department - You can change this as required.

  • Cost Code - You can change this as required.

  • Assigned To - You can change this as required.

  • Supervisor - You can change this as required.

  • From Point Ref. Description - You can change this as required.

  • From Point Geographical Ref. - You can change this as required.

  • To Point Ref. Description - You can change this as required.

  • To Point Geographical Ref. - You can change this as required.

  • Error Message - When you click submit, any errors found by the system during processing will be displayed here.

The following fields only play a role if you select equipment that has gone through this process before. In that case, the system will auto populate the grid with the existing data from the Equipment tab. It will use the Set ID to select all relevant record.

  • Released WO - This check box, if selected, indicates that a released work order is currently associated to this record. During updates, these records will be deactivated but not be deleted.

  • Current Due Date - If you are changing the Due Date of existing records this field still holds the original due date for reference purposes.