Operational process design - HxGN EAM - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Integration for EcoSys

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Administration & Configuration
HxGN EAM Version

The investment planning function of HxGN EAM takes budget information for future planning periods, investment options for equipment, and capital planning requests and then calculates an optimized investment plan for these future periods. To generate the investment plan results, HxGN EAM calls the Asset Investment Planning (AIP) engine of Constraint Optimizer.

EcoSys Asset Investment Planning manages project portfolios and controls budget allocation and capital spending by evaluating project costs and resources to ensure alignment with business goals and objectives.

Constraint Optimizer is a problem-solving engine used to provide data-driven solutions for asset management. The employment of the integration between HxGN EAM and Constraint Optimizer as well as the integration between EcoSys and Constraint Optimizer will not be reviewed in the context of this guide, but is included in the below diagram to provide a full representation of the operational environment for optimization of investment plans.

The Investment Scenario pop-up, accessed from the Investment Planning screen, allows the user to create a new scenario, a set of one or more investment plans. The selected investment plan is included as part of the scenario by default. The user may add additional investment plans as required. Once the scenario is created and activated, this scenario will be transmitted to EcoSys for further review and processing.

When the user clicks the Activate Scenario button, EAM will call the EcoSys API endpoint to notify the external system there is data to retrieve (see Technical Components: Appendix A for notification sample). EAM will provide the Scenario Code, Scenario Name, and associated Investment Plan(s).

EcoSys will retrieve the referenced Investment Plan data using the details provided in the notification request. The retrieval will employ the below set of REST APIs          

Investment Plan Header


Investment Plan Equipment


Investment Capital Planning Request


Investment Planning Results


Asset Class Definition


Asset Class Definition Cost


Within EcoSys the user may refine some or all of the budgetary and cost factors associated with the investment plan.

Once revision and optimization is completed, the finalized investment plan will be approved in EcoSys and transmitted to EAM as a new revision to the referenced investment plan. EcoSys will post the finalized investment plan to EAM using the below set of REST APIs

Investment Plan Header


Investment Plan Equipment


Investment Capital Planning Request


Investment Planning Results
