The options tab is used for setting up the following:
Use HTTP 1.0 - This check box is to overcome compatibility issues with EAM 11.2.
Maximum Errors - Sets value limit to terminate the processing of a file producing a lot of errors.
Enable Logging - Is to log application events, errors and exceptions.
Log Transaction Data - Checking this will include communication (transaction) data.
Enable Email Notifications - Is to send a short email after each Excel file is processed.
If the user selects Enable Email Notifications, the Test button is made active and the system unprotects the following fields which remain protected if unselected:
Use Outlook
Email Server
Email User Name
Email Password
Email To
Clicking the [Sta] [Name] [Addr] buttons will insert {STATUS}, {NAME OF THE UPLOADED FILE} and/or {SERVICE ADDRESS} tokens into the Text of the Subject field.
Clicking the Test button, sends a test email to the above address.
If the user unselects Enable Email Notifications, all the above fields and the Use Outlook check box is protected
If the user selects the Enable Email Notifications check box but fails to check the Use Outlook check box, the Start/Stop button will be protected.