The Guest Incident Requests screen is a new screen intended to document problems reported by guests and hotel staff as well as requests for information such as directions to the nearest seafood restaurant.
Most guest incident requests are created to report a problem for the hotel guest. Therefore, the default value for Find Guest By is set to Room. Guests simply tell the system user their room number. This information can be used to locate the guest’s information (i.e., search criteria entered is compared to Room code and description to find a match). If multiple matches are found a popup is displayed with the possible matches so the user can choose the correct room/quest.
Guest First or Last Name can also be used to locate the Room for which the guest incident request applies. Room is required for the guest incident request if a work order is to be created otherwise a guest incident request can be created with little information provided. The idea is to make the creation of guest incident requests as quick as possible for a hotel desk clerk or hotel operator.
Once the Room (the field is called Room, but other equipment types are displayed in there as well) is populated the desk clerk can select the appropriate problem code prior and enter any additional incident details before clicking the Create WO button if necessary. Most problem codes should have standard WO associated so the work order should be complete with activities so work can be assigned and started immediately.
All WO comments, including those added to the generated work order after it is created, will be displayed on the WO Comments tab.
If EAM is NOT integrated to HMS there will be no guest information related to the room (see Rooms section). Therefore, the system user will always need to ask the guest which room they are in so they can manually associate it to the guest incident request.
There are several configuration options related to this screen. These can be found on the Guest Incident Request Setup screen. See that section in this document for details about the options available.
See Email Trigger section for a pre-delivered trigger that sends email notifications based on guest incident requests created for VIP guests.
AUTO-ASSIGN ENGINEER TO WO – A Flex Business Rule has been created to attempt to automatically assign an engineer to perform any work orders resulting from Guest Incident Requests. This post-update trigger was created on R5CONTACTRECORDS.
Must have Problem Codes created.
Must have a Profession associated to each Problem Code. This is done on the record view of the Problem Codes screen.
Must have Employees created. These employees will be the engineer’s that are assigned to perform the work. Their Profession will be associated to them on the Employee screen.
Must have Shifts created.
Must have Days and Employees associated to Shifts. This is done on the Days and Employees tabs of the Shifts screen.
Must have work availability calculated for Shifts, Days, and Employees. Availability is calculated by clicking the Calculate Availability button on the Employees record view. This is not to say the system checks to ensure the engineer is not overscheduled prior to assigning them to the work order, but only that availability has been calculated for the employee/day/shift.
Activate the flex business rule by selecting the Active checkbox.
Logic used
When the flex business rule fires the Guest Incident Request work order MUST have a system Status = Released AND be unassigned (i.e., Assigned To is empty) to be considered for auto-assignment.
If this condition is true at the time a work order is created the system will:
Get the Profession that is associated to the Guest Incident Request Problem Code.
Get potential engineers
Identify Shift(s) in which the work order Date Created (including time component) falls.
Determine engineer(s) who’s Profession matches the Profession from step 1 and have availability (see Pre-requisites/Setup section above for details) for the shift(s) from step 2a and the work order Date Created. Go to step 3 if potential engineers found.
If no engineers meet criteria in step 2b for the shift on which the work order was created the system will look for engineers in subsequent shifts on the same calendar day until at least 1 engineer is found. If no engineers are found on the same calendar day as the work order was created the system will begin with the earliest shift on the next calendar day until an engineer is found. Go to step 3 as soon as potential engineers are found.
The system will not look beyond one calendar day after the work order was created to find potential engineers; therefore, it is possible the process will end at this point with no engineer being assigned to the work order.
Select engineer to assign
If only one engineer meets the criteria in step 2 then this engineer is assigned to the work order (i.e., they are populated via the Assigned To field on the work order record view).
If more than one engineer meets the criteria in step 2 the system assigns the work order to the engineer with the least number of work orders currently assigned (all work orders are considered here, not just Guest Incident Request related work orders). If all potential engineers have the same number of work orders assigned (or they all have no work orders assigned) then the system will randomly assign one of these engineers.
During this logic phase if the any of the Pre-requisite/Setup information has not been created, or is unavailable, this will result in the system being unable to auto-assign the work order.
The Assigned To field on the work order record view is used to hold the auto-assigned engineer. If this field already contains a value when the flex business rule trigger runs the system will not overwrite the existing value.
The system does not consider if the engineer has already been scheduled more than their work hours for a particular day prior to making these auto-assignments (i.e., it will over-schedule them).