A new work order screen was created specifically for the Hospitality Edition although it is available in base EAM (screen code = WSJOVH). The original work order screen in EAM (screen code = WSJOBS) was renamed, in this configuration, to Work Order – Original so that WSJOVH could be called Work Orders.
This new work order screen shares its storage with the original work order screen (that is, R5EVENTS).
The Equipment lookup has been filtered (using the Screen Setup | WO Equipment Types tab) to only display equipment whose type = Asset, Vehicle, Room, Building, Wing, Floor, HVAC, or Elevator. If you add additional equipment types, then this filter will need to be updated to include equipment of the new type.
A new section called Guest Details has been added to hold guest information if a work order is created for a room. This is useful to housekeepers and engineers that have work scheduled in the room so they can address the occupant on a personal basis or contact them if necessary.
Notice the Activities tab is available but not always displayed. This is because most work orders in this industry will be single activity work orders and will therefore be created from the record view.
The Customer Requests tab has been renamed to Guest Incident Requests (see Guest Incident Request section).
The typical status progress for work orders should New àAssignedàCompleted. Therefore, New and Assigned user statuses have been created and included in this configuration. It should be noted that the Assigned To field should be used to assigned personnel to work orders versus the Schedule Labor tab which is not included.
When EAM is integrated to HMS all work order types (entity = JBTP) except the following should be removed from the Types tab for Screen Setup for the Work Order screen because they are invalid Reason codes in HMS: Carpet/Tile, Air Conditioner, Out of Inventory 1, Out of Inventory 2, Locks/Keys, and Out of Order.
When EAM is integrated to HMS, the Scheduled Start Date is required by the integration. When the EAM work order is sent to HMS through ION it will fail when trying to create the corresponding work order in HMS. Scheduled Start Date is not required in EAM. However, it does default to the system date when the work order is created. Therefore, this will only be a problem if the user clears the Scheduled Start Date after the initial default.
Standard WO | WO Type –Ensure that the WO Type selected when creating Standard WOs is displayed on the Types tab for Screen Setup for the Work Order screen.
WOs created from the Guest Incident Request screen can only be updated using the hospitality edition of the WO screen i.e., WSJOVH. In addition. WOs created from the Guest Incident Request screen can only be completed using the record view of WSJOVH. This is because Service Problem Code validation was removed from the Guest Incident Request screen and therefore had to be removed from the hospitality WO screen. However, this validation has not been removed from any other WO screen in EAM or the Closing tab on any WO screen, including WSJOVH.
Whenever a WO is created from a Guest Incident Request the system will fire a Flex Business Rule that will attempt to automatically assign an engineer to perform the work. The Assigned To field on the WO record view will be populated when the work order is created. See Guest Incident Requests section for additional details.
The following functionality that applies to base work order screen does not apply to the hospitality work order screen:
WO Authorization (JTAUTH)
Linear Equipment
Department Security (DEPTSEC)
SPC Validation
GIS maps and related functionality
ROUTEEOB installation parameter
Route Templates
Routes Inspections
Multiple Equipment Work Orders
MEC Work Orders
Advanced Maintenance Planning
Production Orders
Production Requests
Customer Invoices
Customer Contracts
Work Request status
Service Requests
Parent Work Orders