You can now determine the records on these screens for which our user should have access. One of the most powerful features of HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition is its ability to control this record level access based on the hotel Property for which the record is associated (see the image below).
If you have a User selected on the Record View of Users simply click the Properties tab. Use the detail section of this tab to associate all Properties for which the user should have privileges. Select the Property and in most cases, you should accept the User Group value that defaults from the record view of the selected user. Select the Default check box to identify one of the user’s hotel Properties as their default Property. By default, the user will create system records for their default Property; however, they still have ability to create records for any Property associated to their user on this tab. Add each Property for which the selected user should have access. Privileges to the screens and tabs for each property can be separately controlled by changing the user group associated to the property on this page.
Note that no Installation Parameter values need to be changed at this time. This edition is designed to operate with installation parameter values in their default state.