Users - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition

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HxGN EAM Version

Now it is time to create users for the new administration group (see below).

Create administrative users by entering user code and description and then populating the remaining required fields. Be sure to populate the User Group field with your new administration group prior to saving the record. The new user will inherit the privileges from the populated user group. Check with your system administrator to determine which Advanced Reporting Option(s) to select. The HxGN EAM product option must be selected.

You may consider restricting non-administrator user abilities to edit Dataspys and Comments (see check box options in User Details section of the screen).

  • The HOSP-USER user name is HOSPUSER and the password is 111111.

  • The HOSP-ADMN user name is HOSPADMN and the password is 111111.

  • The HOSP-ENG user name is HOSPENG and the password is 111111.

  • The HOSP-HK user name is HOSPHK and the password is 111111.

  • The HOSP-IR user name is HOSPIR and the password is 111111.

  • If your user should have capability to run reports, then select the Author or Consumer check box after checking with your system administrator about licensing.

Thus far you have created an administration user group with access to specific screens, created an administration user, and associated them to the new user group.