Your company has purchased HxGN EAM Hospitality for hotel management, and now your goal is to implement the software as quickly as possible so you can begin to achieve greater operating efficiencies and improved customer satisfaction as a result.
HxGN EAM Hospitality began as the "out of the box" HxGN EAM solution used by thousands of customers across many industry verticals. HxGN has taken this solution and pre-configured it to specifically meet the needs of the Hospitality industry and deal with its unique challenges. In addition, new screens were created specifically for Hospitality. This "quick start" solution will save your organization significant time and resources in going through this exercise as part of the implementation project.
Just because HxGN EAM Hospitality is a pre-configured product does not mean that it is complex, time consuming, or expensive to make changes once you have a better feel for the system’s capabilities and your own objectives. Businesses and their supporting processes are very fluid, and your asset management solution should be fluid as well and capable of adapting to change. The Hospitality Edition is simply a trimmed down version of HxGN EAM. All HxGN EAM screens and reports are still available (see Important Notes below for functionality that should not be used).
This paper will introduce you to the screens and other functionality of the HxGN EAM Hospitality. In addition, you will receive valuable tips on what data to enter and how the system is designed to be used.
HxGN EAM v11.5 Hospitality Edition supports integration with Infor HMS v3.0 (Infor’s Hospitality solution), although HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition may be run in stand-alone mode as well. See various sections of this document that describe the difference in these two modes.
Important notes
HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition is a combination of new screens delivered within EAM and pre-delivered system configuration. You must have access to the hospitality configuration file for the database you use (i.e., Oracle or SQL Server) from the client machine for which you plan to log into the application (see next Note for directions).
HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition is delivered with English translations only. For languages other than English, translations for the configuration delivered with the Hospitality Edition will need to be created by the local office or by the customer.
The HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition configuration was tested on a fresh (i.e., empty) install of HxGN EAM v11.5 Installing the Hospitality Edition configuration on a "used" database could result in overwritten boiler text, conflicting user codes, etc.
The hospitality configuration file will be located on the HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition iso.
To install the configuration, log into your EAM environment as the R5 user (user = R5, password = R5). Go to the Configuration Manager screen and select the Import tab. Browse to the Hospitality Configuration file and click Import. Import status can be checked using the Status tab.
Errors will be generated during the import. The majority, if not all, of these errors can be corrected simply by importing a 2nd time. Please note that following the 2nd import there may still be errors. These errors are of no consequence so please ignore them.
If HxGN EAM is integrated to Infor HMS, please see Integration_EAM-HMS_Design document for valid setup data and other design details. The new installation parameter @HMSINT identifies if the integration is active. The default for this parameter and the assumption for the Hospitality Configuration is that they are NOT integrated.
The term Organization has been renamed Property in most places.
The term Trade has been renamed Profession in most places.
HxGN EAM Hospitality Edition has been pre-configured specifically for the hospitality industry. Therefore, many of the traditional screens/reports have been removed from the delivered user groups.
Some tabs and fields have been made unavailable through configuration. As a result, many delivered Dataspys have been modified so these hidden fields do not show in list views.
If a screen, tab, or field has been delivered as hidden/not available using configuration then it is not intended to be used in this edition. Using these screens, tabs, or fields could lead to unpredictable system behavior while using this edition.
Any HxGN EAM Enterprise Edition screen/report is still available to the R5 user although the R5 user has been hidden in this edition using a Dataspy.
The following new screens have been coded (i.e., not configured) specifically for this edition: Vehicles, Rooms, Facilities, Guest Incident Requests, and Work Orders.
Because some new screens/reports for this edition have the same name as HxGN EAM Enterprise Edition screens/reports the original screens/reports have had their descriptions changed to append ‘- Original’ to the end. These renamed screens/reports are not delivered in this edition’s menus.
Classes and Custom Fields have been made not available on existing EAM screens that are part of the Hospitality Edition. These fields were not added to any new screens created for the Hospitality Edition (i.e., Vehicles, Rooms, Facilities, Hospitality version of Work Orders (i.e., Work Orders Hospitality), and Guest Incident Requests. However, User-defined Fields (UDFs) are available throughout the Hospitality Edition.
The Department field has been removed in most cases. Concepts like Department Security and Service Delivery Matrix are not intended to be used in this edition. Places where Department is ‘required’ (i.e., creating equipment) and the field is hidden an ‘*’ is used behind the scenes.
E-Signature not available on the following Hospitality Edition screens: Vehicles, Rooms, Facilities, or Incident Requests.
Many tabs have been removed from display on screens used in the Hospitality Edition because they were not considered necessary for the hotel industry.
Many fields on existing screens/tabs have been hidden or are not available when using the screen designer. Fields made not available will not be displayed in Dataspys or Quick Filters.
See Types tab for Screen Setup for known issue with WO Types on Maintenance Patterns.
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Version 11.07.01
Published Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 4:50 PM