The following additional screens have been configured for the HxGN EAM Facilities Edition.
Asset Inspection Checklist – Create an inspection, and record the results of that inspection, for an asset. When the inspection is complete click Move to Complete.
Review Asset Checklist – Depending on the Task Plan and the Equipment selected on the Asset Inspection Checklist,
when you click Move to Complete the inspection is either completed or requires a review.
If a review is required, you can do that on this screen.
Note: The switch between complete and review required, can be defined on the Field Filter
Setup screen.
Utilities – Define utilities for which you want to record and track utility bills. Make sure the UOM is entered for all utility records.
Utility Bill – Specify the utility bill. Use the header to record the utility supplier and then on the Utility Bill Details tab specify the Utility Bill Source, (the Building or asset the bill is for), the Utility, the period the bill covers and the usage and invoice amount. When completed set the header status such that the bill is ready for the utility bill audit.
Asset Repair Work Request – Use this screen to specify a work request for an equipment. This could be a request for a breakdown repair, but it could also be a request for modification or improvement.
Self Service Asset Request – Reservation request for an asset. For example, request a vehicle that is needed for a road trip for one week next month, or request a projector that you need for a presentation next week.
Approve Asset Reservation Request – Reservation requests for an asset can be approved or rejected on this screen.
Asset Reservation – Handle the issue and return transactions for reserved assets. Ad-hoc issues are also supported in case of an emergency where the reservation process (request and request approval) was not followed.
Work Orders – Use this screen to create and manage work orders.
Call Center – The call center screen collects service requests coming from the Service Request
Portal, but helpdesk personnel can also directly enter requests on this screen based
on a customer interaction on the phone or via email.
Note: The call center is setup to use the Simplified Service Delivery Matrix. That means
a Service Code and Supplier can only be entered after an Equipment is entered. Make
sure this equipment has been configured for Simplified Service Delivery Matrix. Either
directly to itself or indirectly via a parent / child relationship. Otherwise, the
lookups will remain blank.