Conversion steps: Users - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Externcode Conversion

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version
  1. Identify the User IDs (usr_code) for all user records where the External User ID value (usr_externcode) is not null.

  2. Copy the attached .csv file to your local folder and populate it with the user code and user external code details.

    The updated_extern_code.csv document is attached to this PDF in the Attachments pane.

    The first row of the .csv file should not be modified.

  3. The resulting .csv file entries would follow the below example:


  4. Update the External User ID values (usr_externcode) for each of the user records in the csv file based on the following criteria:

    1. The value must be unique across all users for the customer, and preferably, globally unique.

    2. The value must never be null in the IDP’s database.

      This value must be sent in the SAML response from the IDP against the claim,

  5. It is recommended to use the UPN. However, any value meeting the above criteria can be used.

  6. The resulting .csv file entries would be something as follows:


  7. Copy the attached powershell script to your local folder and execute it by providing the necessary inputs. The R5 user will be used to execute the script to update the user records in the R5USERS table.

    The update-extern-code.ps1 document is attached to this PDF in the Attachments pane.

    A sample execution run is as follows:


    The powershell script will update the external code of each user record populated to the csv file in the R5USERS table and display a summary upon completion. If there are any errors while updating the records, these errors are logged to a separate file whose details are also provided upon completion.