Ranking Survey tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Equipment Rankings

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Ranking Survey tab is where you answer the survey questions. The tab has these important attributes:

  1. Equipment Ranking - Since many rankings can be associated to the equipment this field allows you to pick the specific survey questions you want to deal with. The default is set to Show All Records, meaning all questions of all rankings will be displayed. If you only want to answer the questions of one specific ranking, make sure you select that ranking here first.

  2. Question - The survey question that must be answered as configured on the survey setup.

  3. Answer - Multiple choice. Select your answer based on the provided choices. Any selection will automatically populate the associated Value.

  4. Value - This field can only be entered directly if the question is numeric.

  5. Both Answer and Value cannot be entered for any question that is automatically calculated or related to a checklist item.

  6. Other relevant fields related to the question that are displayed but protected:

    1. Equipment Ranking - The code, description, organization and type are displayed.

    2. Sequence Number - Sequence number of the survey question. Note that you can still control sequence yourself through the Edit Dataspy option.

    3. Calculated - Indicates the question is automatically calculated. If selected the Query field will show which query will be executed when the question is calculated. The query result will be stored in the related fields Calculated Answer, Calculated Value and Date Last Calculated.

    4. Aspect - If populated this indicates the question is related to a checklist item and will be automatically answered.

    5. Checklist Type - See above under Aspect.

      For questions related to a checklist item, the system searches for the most recent checklist result where both Aspect and Checklist Type matches that of your selection for this question. Additionally, the equipment on the checklist result must be the same as the equipment for which the calculation is performed, the checklist result must be entered, i.e., Date Updated on the checklist result must be filled in, and the work order must also be completed. The system may also search operator checklists if you opted for that in the survey setup.

      Once a checklist result is found the result will be stored in the same fields that were used for the calculated questions, i.e., Calculated Answer, Calculated Value and Date Last Calculated. Additionally, the system will indicate the source of the checklist result in the Work Order field or in Operator Checklist.

      For checklist results the system will not verify whether the resulting number is an Integer or whether the result falls between the stated Minimum and Maximum as defined on the Add / Edit Levels popup. If required, this must be configured on the checklist setup instead.

  7. Actions:

    Calculate Ranking Values - This button will recalculate the selected record or all records if the Equipment Ranking is set to Show All Records. Locked rankings will not be calculated.

    Depending on the selected record this may also influence the following fields on the equipment Record View:

    1. Condition Index, Condition Score, Facility Condition Index, Criticality, Criticality Score, Risk Priority Index, and the Risk Priority Number on this screen. And if a Condition Score was calculated and a Correction Score Ranking is also attached to the equipment this may also influence the correction score related fields like Correction Condition Score, Correction Reason, Correction Date, and Correction Usage.

    2. or the Reliability Ranking related fields.

Answers for rankings that are locked cannot be provided or changed. Unlock the rankings first.