Enterprise Search - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Enterprise Search

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

User can query for data on the Enterprise Search field and then click on the search icon or press Enter to open the Enterprise Search popup. If the field is empty and the user clicks on the search icon or presses enter, the popup will open with no records to display. The popup queries for results configured as per the Enterprise Search Setup screen as discussed above screen. The results will be grouped by Interest Centers in a summary grid view with the Interest Center being a collapsible header for that set of results.

The columns to search for, layout, number of fields to display, sort order, etc. are configured on the Enterprise Search screen and its tabs. Hyperlinks will be displayed for the search results that are linked back to a record view screen. Tabs of a screen will not be hyperlinked. The Enterprise Search field will not display in caller login, generic web part, expired password, or the install parameter setup screen.

The popup can be moved around the screen or minimized, which will minimize it to the bottom left corner. Closing the popup will clear the search results.

When the value of ESEARCH install parameter is null, the popup will not open when the Search icon is clicked. When Enter is pressed, the user is prompted specify a value for the ESEARCH install parameter.