Infor IES - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The IES tool will be used for uploading the above zip file to EAM. The IES is a platform for doing the above and the user must have Infor IES installed.

Infor IES 11.0.3 (latest version we support) is not multi-tenant application. When setting up data inside HxGN EAM, it's better to prefix or suffix your Interest Center and Repository with tenant or some other identifier. They will be multi-tenant product soon.

  1. Navigate to https://<ies_install_server>

  2. Click the Deployments tab, and then click Upload Deployment.

  3. Select provided by HxGN EAM product, and upload it (this is the plugin source and should not be modified).

  4. Click the Definitions tab, and then click Upload a Definition.

  5. Select the you downloaded to upload it.

  6. Click the Applications tab.

  7. Click Install Application.

  8. Name your application; leave all other fields at their default values.

  9. Click Next. Leave memory heap setting to the default.

  10. Click Next. Select the 1.0.0 eam deployment.

  11. Click Next. Complete the HxGN EAM details.

  12. Click Next, and then click Install Application.

  13. After install is successful, it will show up in the Applications list.

  14. In the grid, locate the Actions column, and then click the Application Details icon.

  15. Click the Admin button. A new page opens.

  16. Click Other Tasks.

  17. Click Load Resources. Click Load Resources in the popup that opens.

  18. After resources successfully load, click Immediately Crawl Repositories.

  19. Click the View Crawls tab. Make sure the crawls were a success (errors will be reported).

  20. Go back to the Admin browser tab, and then click Application Details.

  21. Click Search.

  22. Perform a search, and then ensure the data you just crawled is searchable and returns results.

  23. Navigate to https://<ies_install_server>

  24. Click Topology icon.

  25. In the Log column header watch out for red numbers, this indicates errors in the IES application.

Please report any errors you see to the dev team. Some errors may not be important, but some could be.