Enterprise Search Setup - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Enterprise Search

Search by Category
Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Enterprise Search Setup screen can be used to setup the parameters and search criteria for the enterprise search. This screen is under the administration menu under sub menu Enterprise Search Setup.

The record view is for specifying the Interest Center Code/Description and Category. Interest centers are used to group the various Repositories and the fields when user queries for data on the enterprise search. The interest center forms the top of the "tree view" when the data is queried. For example, an interest center can be called WORK and all the work related screens like Work Orders, PM Schedules, trades etc. can be grouped under this interest center; Or an interest center can be called PURCHASE and all the purchasing screens like PO’s, Requisitions, Blanket Orders et. can be grouped under this interest center as repositories.

The interest center category is another way to group interest centers. This is not a validated lookup, which means that the user can enter a value for this field which is not validated against the available list.