Adding/uploading documents - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Document Attachments

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version
  1. Navigate to the Documents screen.

  2. Enter the Document and Description and Save the record.

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  3. Click the Upload Document button (or right click and select Upload Document).

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  4. Type in or browse for the File Name, and then click Submit.

    If an attempt is made to upload file types that are prohibited (.exe, .com, .bat or .js), the system rejects the attempt with an error message.

    In addition, a White List feature may be defined in the MPConfiguration.xml file. This is a list of file types (such as .pdf, .doc, etc.) that the customer has deemed to be safe to upload. No other file types are allowed. If the user attempts to upload any other file type, system rejects the attempt with an error message.

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    Note: The source file name is appended with the current Date/Time expressed in yyyymmddhhmm format and stored in the File Path. In addition, the original Filename is recorded. This is done to ensure uniqueness of the file names if revisions are made.

  5. Click on the View Document button (or right click and select View Document).

  6. The document specified in the File name opens.

    If the File Path begins with "http:// or "//" or "\\" or "https://" or ftp://, then the value in the File Path field is passed to a new Internet Explorer window as a URL to display.

  7. Click on the View Document button (or right click and select View Document).