Dispatch Feedback - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Feature Briefs

HxGN EAM Dispatch Feedback Notification

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Digital Work-only screen called Dispatch Feedback has been created for dispatched crews and employees to enter feedback about whether they expect to complete the dispatched WO activity on-time or not. This screen cannot be added to base EAM or Digital Work menus. It can only be displayed by clicking on a dispatch feedback notification or by clicking the Create Dispatch Feedback link on the Activities tab for Work Order.

When clicking on a feedback notification, it is NOT necessary for Digital Work to be in-focus or for the user to logged in. If the user is logged in and the notification is clicked, the system will bring Digital Work to the foreground and open the Dispatch Feedback screen for them to enter feedback. Once the screen is closed the system will place focus on the screen the user was last focused on. If the user is NOT logged in when a notification is clicked, the system will open the Digital Work login screen. After successful login, the system will open the Dispatch Feedback screen. After closing the Dispatch Feedback screen, the system will place focus on the menu screen.

In either case above, when the Dispatch Feedback screen opens it will have 3 main sections:

  1. Caption – The caption will show provide instructions, show the WO and activity number for which the feedback is requested, and display WO activity estimated completion date/time (see Overview section for calculation).

  2. Feedback – This is where the user enters feedback by answering the question "I expect to complete this work.". They can select 1 of the 3 radio button options: On-Time- Early, Late. On-Time is the default value. After this selection, they can enter a Note to provide additional details to their supervisor. The Note field can be configured to be required based on the radio button value selected.

    1. If Early or Late is selected, the system will display the Updated Estimated Completion Time field. The user must select the updated time they expect to complete the work. The user must enter a time prior to the estimated completion time when Early is selected, and they must enter a timer after the estimated completion time if Late is selected.

  3. WO Activity Details – This section contains fields from the WO header and the activity to provide additional information to the user should they need it. These fields are at the bottom of the screen, and it is not anticipated the user will need this section often, but it is here just in case.

At a minimum, the user will accept the default selection of On-Time and click Submit to create the feedback record. At the most, the user will change their selection to Early or Late, enter/select the updated estimated completion time which is dynamically displayed when Early or Late is chosen, then enter a Note before submitting.

Upon submitting the record, the system will do the following:

  1. Create the feedback record. The table R5DISPATCHFEEDBACK contains the following:




    Feedback Number

    Autogenerated by incrementing this value on the latest existing feedback record by 1, for same WO and Activity.

    The first feedback record created for a specific WO and Activity will always start with 1. This value is always incremented each time feedback is created, regardless of how it is created (i.e., manually or via notification).

    Feedback Date/Time

    Date/Time Dispatch Feedback form opened

    Consider server time offset

    Work Order

    WO passed by the notification


    Activity for the WO passed by the notification


    Populate Crew from Crew field on the WO activity dispatch record, if populated.

    The dispatch record on the WO activity will have EITHER crew or employee populated, but not both.

    Crew Org.

    Populate Crew Org. from Crew Org. field on the WO activity dispatch record, if populated.

    Comes from Crew if populated.


    Populate Employee from Employee field on the WO activity dispatch record, if populated.

    The dispatch record on the WO activity will have EITHER crew or employee populated, but not both.

    Estimated Completion Date/Time

    <same calculation as value in Caption>

    Date/Time. This value is calculated when this screen is opened by the user.


    From feedback form: Answer to "I expect to complete this work:"

    On-Time, Early, Late

    Updated Estimated Completion Date/Time

    Displayed and selectable if Status = Early or Late

    Date/Time. The Time component is the time entered by the user. The Date component will the same date from the Estimated Completion Date/Time.


    From feedback form

    Feedback Provided via Push Notification

    Check box

    Selected by default when feedback created via notification. If user manually creates a feedback record from WO activity, then it will be unselected.

  2. If the Update WO Activity Hours Remaining Based on Feedback check box from the dispatching options described elsewhere in this document is selected AND Early or Late is selected, the system will:

    1. Automatically stop the currently running activity timer. This is done so the system will update the current Hours Remaining for the activity based on the activity timer to make it as accurate as possible to this point. A booked labor record will be created for the timer as usual, except it will always behave as if AUTOBOOK is set to Auto.

    2. Automatically start another timer for the activity. If the timer was running prior to the previous step, we want to make sure to start another one after adjusting Hours Remaining for timer.

    3. Add or subtract the difference between the estimated completion date/time and the updated estimated completion date/time to the activity Hours Remaining, based on whether Early or Late is selected. For example, if:

      1. Hours Remaining = 5

      2. Activity timer started at 11 am. Therefore, the estimated completion time is 4 pm.

      3. Current time = 1:30 pm.

      4. If user indicates they will Late and their updated estimated completion time = 4:30 pm and submits. The system will:

      1. Stop timer and create book labor for 2.5 hours. Hours Remaining is now 2.5 hours.

      2. Timer started again at 1:30 pm.

      3. The difference between the updated estimated completion time and the estimated completion time = 4:40 – 4:00 = 30 min. = .5 hours.

      4. System updates Hours Remaining based on being .5 late: 2.5 + .5 = 3 hours.

      5. As of dispatch feedback submission time of 1:30 pm, there is 3 hours remaining for the activity. Therefore, the updated estimated completion time = 1:30 pm + 3 hours = 4:30 pm.

      • If the Update WO Activity Hours Remaining Based on Feedback check box from the dispatching options is NOT selected AND Early or Late is selected, the system will NOT stop the activity timer or adjust Hours Remaining based on the updated estimated completion time entered.

      • If On-Time is selected, the activity timer is NOT stopped, and no adjustments are made to the activity Hours Remaining.

      • If the activity timer is stopped after the notification is sent but before the user clicks the notification to enter feedback, the system will behave the same as described above, except the activity timer will not be stopped and Hours Remaining will not be updated based on the stopped timer.