Set up the following for Digital Work users:
User and User Group Setup:
On the User Setup screen, the user must be marked as a Field Work, Advanced Mobile, or Mobile Requestor user on the Digital Work App drop-down based on the user’s CDKEY. The user can also specify a first screen to load when logged in using the Digital Work App First Screen field. Depending on the Digital Work App value selected, the User Group lookup will show corresponding user groups for the Digital Work App. The User ID, Description, and Default Organization for this user which is displayed on top of the menus in Digital Work, is also setup on the User Setup screen. If a profile picture of the user is uploaded here it will be displayed alongside the user credentials.
The Digital Work App drop-down is used to control the user’s log in access to the Field Work, Advanced Mobile, or Mobile Requestor apps. These are variations of the Digital Work product. This field does not interact with other check boxes (HxGN EAM products) like HxGN EAM, Mobile, and Requestor. A user can be marked as both Mobile and Mobile Requestor on the Digital Work App field, or a user can have the HxGN EAM check box cleared, but still have access to Advanced Mobile on the Digital Work App field.
On the User Groups screen, the same Digital Work App drop-down will determine the list of screens available for a user marked as Field Work, Advanced Mobile, or Mobile Requestor.
Based on the value specified here, the Digital Work Menus tab will show screens accordingly. The ‘R5’ user group comes preloaded with Field Work screens (default menu structure), since its Digital Work App drop-down value is NULL (i.e., if no value is specified in this drop-down for the User Group, the Digital Work Menus tab will show Field Work screens). For the list of screens available for Field Work, Advanced Mobile, or Mobile Requestor, see the HxGN EAM Digital Work List of Screens brief.
It is highly recommended to copy the R5 menus layout to save time in setting up the menu structure.
The Digital Work Menus tab of User Groups can be used to build the menu structure to add or remove screens, change labels, etc. This tab is like the existing menus tab for user groups screen that is used to configure menu structure in base EAM.
If a Menu is created on this tab without any screens added to it, that menu will not be displayed in Digital Work. The menu must have at least one screen to be displayed.
If only one Main Menu folder exists on this tab without any sub-menu folders within it, the screens or reports will be displayed on the menus (i.e., the folder will not be displayed). This is for easy access to screens and reports as soon as the user selects the menu action item.
When a screen(s) is added or removed or hidden on this tab, the user must ensure the screen(s) is added or removed or hidden on the Menus tab of the User groups screen to control Permissions. This is because the Screen Permissions tab is based on the menus tab structure and is shared between Digital Work and base EAM.
Using the Default tab order pop-up action item, the user can control the order of tabs/cards that are rendered when a user touches a record in the Digital Work list view. To enable this functionality, the value of install parameter DWDEFTAB must be set to ON.
The Digital Work Home tab of User Groups can be used to add the Digital Work Home records created on the Digital Work Home Setup screen. If records are added to this tab, then, the logged in user’s standard menu option and folders will be replaced with a ‘Tile’ based menu, and the landing page will be the Digital Work Home screen. See the release notes for more information on this configuration/topic.
Screen Designer:
Screens (including User Defined screens and tabs) in Digital Work can be screen designed by using the special Screen Designer for Digital Work screen in base EAM. This screen is not available in the default menu and must be added to the user group. This screen lets the user select the screen and tab combination to load the list of applicable fields.
Once the layout is loaded, the user can:
Save to Multiple groups at the same time
Drag fields and section headers up or down, to move positions
Change field attributes
Set default values for fields
Show or hide section headers
Specify whether the section header is part of a new card (the location of section headers cannot be moved within this box)