HxGN EAM’s Data Lake Utility tool (DLU) has a dedicated connection with Databridge Pro.
Flow designers can utilize the GetEAMDataLakeMessageProcessor within Dataflow Studio to retrieve data messages that are sent from the EAM DLU. Messages are retained for 72 hours (about 3 days).
These messages will automatically contain a tag attribute that can be used for routing. The tag attribute for DLU messages, datalake.tag, will be set with the EAM table name, following the format of ‘eam_TableName’ (Ex. eam_R5PARTS, eam_R5INSTALL).
The desired routing mechanism, or component, can be used to move the DLU data, as required.
If using the RouteOnAttribute processor, the relationship property may be set up, similar to the following:
In RouteOnAttribute properties, add a new property (‘+’ button).
Define the property name for the DLU tag relationship, ex. “tagName_PARTS”.
Set the property value to an Expression Language statement that evaluates to true for the DLU tag, e.g., “${datalake.tag:equals(‘eam_R5PARTS’)}” (or utilize a startsWith expression).
Repeat these steps for all desired tags or tables coming from EAM DLU.
Once all dynamic relationships are defined and applied to the processor, they can be used for downstream connections.
The tag name value entered in the statement must match what is sent from the DLU and attached to the flowfile(s).
DLUTXDBP install parameter must be set to “YES” within HxGN EAM to enable Databridge Pro connection with the DLU tool. See HxGN EAM Data Lake Integration from Hexagon Cloud for more details. InboundMessagesProcessor can no longer be used to retrieve EAM Data Lake messages.