This is the list of standard color used in the base theme and can be used in your themes.
Light Azure ($ux3lightazure) |
Azure ($ux3azure) |
Deep Azure ($ux3deepazure) |
Light Emerald ($ux3lightemerald) |
Emerald ($ux3emerald) |
Deep Emerald ($ux3deepemerald) |
Light Amber ($ux3lightamber) |
Amber ($ux3amber) |
Deep Amber ($ux3deepamber) |
Light Ruby ($ux3lightruby) |
Ruby ($ux3ruby) |
Deep Ruby ($ux3deepruby) |
Light Tourmaline ($ux3lighttourmaline) |
Tourmaline ($ux3tourmaline) |
Deep Tourmaline ($ux3deeptourmaline) |
Light Amethyst ($ux3lightamethyst) |
Amethyst ($ux3amethyst) |
Deep Amethyst ($ux3deepamethyst) |
Light Graphite ($ux3lightgraphite) |
Graphite ($ux3graphite) |
Deep Graphite ($ux3deepgraphite) |
Light Turquoise ($ux3lightturquoise) |
Turquoise ($ux3turquoise) |
Deep Turquoise ($ux3deepturquoise) |