Sample code
messageName: 'hyperlink',
systemFunction: 'WSJOBS'
userFunction: 'JBJOBS' // Optional, if userFunction is not a clone screen then it's not necessary to provide in the message.
insertModeParams: {// Optional, one of insertModeParams or queryModeParams MUST be provided though, opens hyperlink in 'insert' mode, all properties within the object are required.
destinationField: <desintation_field_name>, // The target field to write a value to
sourceFieldValue: <source_field_value>, // The value to write to the destination field.
queryModeParams: {// Optional, one of insertModeParams or queryModeParams MUST be provided though, opens hyperlink in 'query' mode, all properties within the object are required.
dataspyId: <dataspy_id>, // The id of the dataspy to run the query against
filterField: <filter_field_id>, // The filter field id
filterOperator: <filter_operator>, // The filter operator (IE: BEGINS, CONTAINS, etc...)
filterValue: <filter_value> // The value to filter by
Syntax in user_accounts_tab1
<p>Hyperlink to Asset</p>
<li><a href="#" id="osobja_query" class="querymode">OSOBJA - Query Mode</a></li>
<li><a href="#" id="osobja_insert" class="insertmode">OSOBJA - Insert Mode</a></li>
In the usage of above scenario, if we click on hyperlink, first it will call onload function in user_accounts_tab1.
While opening the screen Window.onload function in the user_accounts_tab1 will be called
After that it calls assetQuery and assetInsert in user_accounts.js
While leaving the screen window.onunload function in user_accounts_tab1.js will be called