Sample code
messageName: 'showMessage',
message: 'MSG_ERR_WSJOBS_DEPTSEC', // You can provide your own message string here if you want or use HxGN EAM error messages.
messageType: 'question', // valid values are 'question', 'error', 'warning', and 'confirmation’.
questionMessageButtons: 'YESNO' // If you are not showing a question message this property can be excluded from the message. Valid values are 'YESNO', 'YESNOCANCEL', 'YESCANCEL'. If you are showing a question message and do not provide 'buttons' property, we'll default to 'YESNO'.
Question Message Callback example message (to be handled by the custom application)
messageName: 'questionMessageCallback',
answer: 'yes' // Value will be 'yes', 'no', or 'cancel’.
If we Click on Save button, then It’ll call doSave function.
In the usage of above scenario, when we click on Save button on toolbar, first it will call postMessageListener function in customframework_common.js and then call questionmessagecallback event.
postMessageListenerfunction in customframework_common.js
This questionmessagecallback event written in the user_accounts.js file in window. onload & window.onunload functions.
While opening the screen Window.onload function in the user_accounts.js will be called.
It’ll redirect to questionmessagecallback event in the user_accounts.js
If we Click on Save button, then it’ll call doSave function.
While leaving the screen window.onunload function in the user_accounts.js will be called.