Adding custom application screens as tabs on EAM user-defined grids - HxGN EAM - 12.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Custom Framework

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HxGN EAM Version

A screen from a custom application (ISA or ESA) may be added to HxGN EAM as a custom tab on a user-defined grid (UDG). A custom tab on UDG is a tab that is displayed on a user defined grid and is available for selection just like any other tab delivered with HxGN EAM.

The content for the resulting page does not exist within HxGN EAM nor is it constructed in any way using HxGN EAM components.

See the HxGN EAM User Guide for a more detailed discussion of user-defined grids.

  • In EAM, open the Grid Designer screen (BSGRID).

  • Click '+' to create a new grid.

  • Enter a grid name and description. The grid name should be a six letter mnemonic that is unique in the system. The second letter of the mnemonic must be U.

  • Enter the name of a database table in the From Clause box.

  • Click on the lookup for the Select Clause and choose the fields that should be included in the grid. At a minimum the list of selected fields must include all key fields plus an organization id, if applicable.

  • Switch to the Fields tab. For each field that is either a key field or an organization id, select the field and mark it as a Grid Key.

  • Switch to the Validation tab. Create a default dataspy and mark it as Active.

  • Add the newly created screen to the menu.

  • Next, complete the steps described in Adding custom application screens as tabs on EAM screens.