Overview - HxGN EAM - 12.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Custom Framework

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

HxGN EAM provides several customization options for functionality accessible within the HxGN EAM browser window, as screens separate from the screens delivered with the product. These screens are implemented in a separate web application.

Once the application is deployed, the screens are accessed through HxGN EAM's framework of menus, toolbar buttons, and tabs.

For this purpose HxGN EAM provides the following framework features:

Framework feature


Menus and tabs

Functionality (screens or screen tabs) can be invoked from Menus or by clicking a tab on a screen.

Toolbar access

All the toolbar buttons such as Save, New, and Delete will work on such screens in the same way they work in the screens delivered with the product.

System API

An API is exposed to be used to query various HxGN EAM Application Framework data.

User-defined grids (UDG)

User defined grids can be added to the system. User defined grids are List views that can be added as completely new screens or as tabs on existing or new Screens.

The custom application can be integrated with HxGN EAM in either of two ways:

  • Internal server application

  • External server application