Enabling Infor ION connection with IMS via API Gateway connection point using IMS Partner - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Configuration for Infor ION

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Administration & Configuration
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The connection mechanism between HxGN EAM and the Infor ION environment is the Infor IMS Partner associated with Infor ION IMS via API Gateway connection point. This is applicable to cloud environment only when EAM is deployed in Hexagon cloud.

  1. Open Databridge Partner form.

  2. Locate the partner record with Partner Code = *, which is the My Enterprise partner. Switch to the Record View.

  3. Ensure that the Active field is selected.

  4. Save the * partner record.

  5. Switch back to the List View of the Databridge Partner form.

  6. Select the “All Partners” Dataspy.

  7. Locate the INFOR-IMS partner record, and switch to its Record View.

  8. Select the Active field if it is not already selected.

  9. For Partner ID, specify the last part of the Logical ID of the ION EAM IMS via API Gateway connection point you have configured in ION. By default the Logical ID is lid://infor.eam.databridgegateway so databridgegateway is the Partner ID field.

  10. In cloud environment, you must use User ID and Password fields in Databridge Login section to define consumer/access key and secret key of the EAM IMS end point. User ID field is used for consumer/access key and Password field is used for secret key. In on-premise environment, please follow the steps in “Configuring IMS partner Oauth security” section to define consumer/access key and secret key of the EAM IMS end point. Address field in the Response Details section must set to ‘INFORIMSAPIGATEWAY’ with blank Login ID and blank Login Password fields.

  11. Save the INFOR-IMS partner record.

  12. Perform the steps in the Integration configuration for ION IMS via API Gateway section.