Enabling Infor ION connection with IMS connection point using IMS Partner - HxGN EAM - 12.1.1 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Configuration for Infor ION

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The connection mechanism between HxGN EAM and the Infor ION environment is the Infor IMS Partner associated with Infor ION IMS connection point.

Ensure that you have configured ION IMS connection point and enabled the corresponding ION data flows before you enable INFOR-IMS partner. Enabling INFOR-IMS partner without having ION side configuration ready may cause serious performance issues on ION.

  1. Open Databridge Partner form.

  2. Locate the partner record with Partner Code = *, which is the My Enterprise partner. Switch to the Record View.

  3. Ensure that the Active field is selected.

  4. Save the * partner record.

  5. Switch back to the List View of the Databridge Partner form.

  6. Select the "All Partners" Dataspy.

  7. Locate the INFOR-IMS partner record, and switch to its Record View.

  8. Select the Active field if it is not already selected.

  9. For Partner ID, specify the last part of the Logical ID allocated to this HxGN EAM instance.

    In an Infor ION environment, each connected software instance has its own unique logical ID.

    For cloud, the default Logical ID value is lid://infor.eam.eam:databridgeims. The eam:databridgeims with default EAM IMS connection point is the Partner ID field that is associated with the default EAM IMS connection point. When the converted IMS connection point with lid://infor.eam.eam Logical ID is used, the eam is the Partner ID field.

    For on-premises deployments, if the Logical ID is lid://infor.eam.ims then the Partner ID will be "ims". If the Logical ID is lid://infor.eam.myims, then the Partner ID will be "myims". You can change the Partner ID but you must ensure that it matches with ION's IMS connection point Logical ID’s last part.

  10. In on-premises EAM deployments, you must use Address, Login ID, and Login Password in the Response Details section to provide details of the ION IMS URL, Consumer Key, and Secret Key.

    In cloud EAM deployments, set Address to ‘INFOREAMIMS’ and leave the Login ID and Login Password fields blank in the Response Details section.

  11. Save the INFOR-IMS partner record.

    See Configuring Databridge partners in HxGN EAM Databridge System Administrator.