Generate WO activities - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Compatible Units

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

When a CU estimate is of Estimate Type of ‘Design’ and has status of ‘Approved’; the user may select the Generate WO Activities button on the CU estimate record view to initiate the work order activity generation procedure which populates work order activities and associated child records (i.e. Plan Labor records, Part records and temporary material list(s), Plan Tools records) onto the work order specified as the CU Design WO on the CU estimate (and/or any CU Design Child WO specified for any work point of the estimate).

When the user selects the Generate WO Activities button for a CU estimate, the system deletes any existing work order activities on the CU Design WO (and any CU Design Child WO) for which the ‘Created from CU Estimate’ checkbox is selected, provided those activities can be deleted (i.e. the activities do not have any associated transactions). Using the same selection process described in the Perform Estimation section of this document previously, relevant labor parts, tools and services records from the compatible units associated to the CU estimate are identified. The system then creates work order activities from the compatible units library records as indicated by the CUESWOAG Org. option (i.e. by compatible unit sequence number; or by work point) and accordingly populates records on the Plan Labor and Plan Tools tabs of the Work Order screen from the selected compatible units library labor, tools and services records. The system also populates appropriate records on the Parts tab and generates one or more temporary material list(s) for the parts detailed in the parts tab for the created work order activities.

Compatible units library services records generate hired labor records on the Plan Labor tab (i.e. Plan labor records for which the Hired Labor checkbox is selected). It is important to note that work order activities are currently restricted from including the same trade designated as both hired labor, and as non-hired labor.

The grouping of work order activities generated from CU estimates may also be affected by the value of an optional field on a compatible units library record. When the CUESWOAG Org. option is set as ‘SQ’, indicating activities are to be generated by compatible unit sequence and multiple compatible units library records associated to the CU estimate are flagged with the same value for the optional Activity Type field, the system aggregates the work order activities that would be created from each of these compatible units into a single activity. For example, consider a CU estimate including just associated compatible units records, both referencing a compatible unit of "CU_LIB-01C" (i.e. a compatible unit describing labor/parts for install and remove of a transformer). The record view for the "CU_LIB-01C" compatible units library record describes activity type for this CU as "Overhead work"; and the labor records associated with the compatible units library record describe that 2 hours would be required for an install of the transformer, and 1 hour would be required for a removal of the transformer. The CU estimate describes that at a single work point, one "CU_LIB-01C" is to be removed, as well as one "CU_LIB-01C" to be installed. Rather than two work order activities being generated from this CU estimate, since the value of "Overhead work" is specified for the Activity Type, the two actions (install and remove) will be grouped into a single work order activity. The single work order activity generated from this CU estimate would then document that 3 hours of labor are required - 1 from the remove action, combined with 2 hours from the install action.

The Activity Type field is not considered during the generation of work order activities when the CUESWOAG Org. option is set as ‘WP’. In this scenario, the activities are generated per work point (i.e. one activity per work point of the CU estimate) only.

If a Compatible Units Library record associated to a CU estimate has associated child CUs; the system will apply the same logic as when performing cost estimation to select the required child CUs and all of their own associated labor, parts, tools and services records for generating work order activities. For each selected child CU of the compatible units library record associated to the CU estimate, the applicable labor, parts, tools and services records will be determined; and amounts/quantities for these will then be aggregated or rolled up into the parent compatible units library record directly associated to the CU estimate.

If desired, the Associated WO and the Associated Activity field(s) may be added to a dataspy of the Compatible Units tab (they are not included in the dataspy by default). If these fields are shown and a CU estimate for which work order activities are generated is selected; the grid will display the corresponding work order and work order activity to which each compatible unit record has been associated,