Quote estimate - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Compatible Units

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HxGN EAM Version

When a CU estimate has status of ‘Estimated’ and cost details are available for the CU estimate record; the user has the option to select the Quote Estimate button on the CU estimate record view to temporarily place the CU estimate into a ‘Quoted’ status. When a CU estimate is in ‘Quoted’ status; all tabs on the estimate are protected - the user is unable to perform updates to the estimate, with the only exception being the ‘Approve Estimate’ button on the record view. This status is intended to designate the period after which cost details for a CU estimate have been calculated and sent to a customer for approval; but approval is still pending. Additionally, when a CU estimate is of ‘Quoted’ status, the status of the corresponding project is updated to ‘CU Estimate Awaiting Customer’ to indicate that customer approval is pending.

It is not necessary or required for a CU estimate to be quoted in order to be approved. This intermediate state and the ‘Quoted’ status may be skipped if not necessary to the user’s organizational business process. In particular, CU estimates of the As-Built type would generally not be expected to be quoted.