Checklist details - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Checklists

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Above the grid is a details section applicable for all checklist items, with the following important attributes:

  1. Activity—Select this tab and by default, the system displays the first activity with the checklist items that have not been filled. For example, if both Activity 1 and Activity 3 have a checklist attached and no results are specified, the system defaults to Activity 1. However, if the results for Activity 1 are specified but not for Activity 3, the system defaults to Activity 3.

    If all checklist items have data entered, the system defaults to the lowest activity and displays the results.

  2. Job—Use the Job selector if there are multiple jobs for the activity and one or more jobs have a checklist associated. By default, the Job will be selected to show all checklist items for the activity (Task Plan) and all related jobs (Job Plans).

  3. Performed By—Use this icon to identify that you performed the checklist. Click the Performed By icon to initiate the process. If the Organization Option CHCKLCPB is ‘ON’ or ‘RESTRICTED,’ the system will first check if all required checklist items are filled in completely and will raise an error if they are not. Additionally, if Perform By Responsibility on the Task Plan header is entered, the system will also verify that you have the same responsibility associated, otherwise it will not let you sign. If the system finds no problems, the e-Signature pop-up is displayed. You must enter your username, password, and select a Signature Type. After validation, the system performs these actions:

    1. Clears the reviewed by details.

    2. Defaults the performed by details for the activity. This includes Performed By, Performed By Name, Date Performed and Performed Type.

    3. Triggers a set of electronic archive records for the work order.

    4. Deselect Reject Performed By, if selected. And if Reject Performed By 2 is also unselected then also clear Reject Reason.

    5. Change the work order status based on the setting of the Performed By WO Status field on the task plan, providing all other activities of the work order with a checklist have a Performed By signature as well. Note that if any task plan of the work order requires two signatures, that is two responsibilities are associated, then the Performed By 2 must also be signed. Additionally, no activities can have Reject Performed By or Reject Performed By 2 selected and all task plans of the work order must have the same value for Performed By WO Status.

  4. Performed By 2—Like the Performed By, a second signature can be entered in case 2 persons perform the checklist.

  5. Reject Performed By—As a reviewer you can reject the checklist that was performed. If you select this checkbox, you must also enter the Reject Reason. After rejection, the system performs these actions:

    1. The system will clear the performed by details.

    2. Change the work order status based on the setting of the Checklist Rejected WO Status field on the task plan.

  6. Reject Performed By 2— Like the Reject Performed By, a second rejection can be entered in case 2 persons perform the checklist.

  7. Reject Reason— Field is required if any of the performed by signatures is rejected.

  8. Reviewed By—Use this icon, to identify you reviewed the entered results of the checklist. Click the Reviewed By icon to initiate the process. If Review Responsibility on the Task Plan header is entered, the system will verify that you have the same responsibility associated, otherwise it will not let you sign. If the system finds no problems, the e-Signature pop-up is displayed. You must enter your username, password, and select a Signature Type. After validation, the system performs these actions:

    1. Defaults the reviewed by details for this activity. This includes Reviewed By, Reviewed By Name, Date Reviewed, and Reviewed Type.

    2. Triggers a set of electronic archive records for the work order.

    3. Based on the setting of the Organization Option CHCKLREG, the system may prevent sign off, if Regulated items exist, which have Repairs Needed selected. As follows:

      • If the option is set to ‘N,’ all items must have a Resolution of ‘Repairs Completed’ or must have a Resolution of ‘Temporary Repair’ with a follow up work order/deferred maintenance already created. If any checklist item is found that does not match this criterion, the sign off is prevented.

      • If the option is set to ‘P,’ the same conditions apply as with the option set to ‘N,’ except that now the Resolution can be blank as well, but a follow up work order/deferred maintenance activity still must exist.

      • If the option is set to OFF, then none of the above checks will be performed.

        These checks are also performed when the user closes the work order.

    4. The system will also attempt to set equipment back to an operational status. Equipment will become operational again, if all Regulated checklist items for the equipment from this work order or any previous work orders, where Repairs Needed is selected are either:

      • Repaired (Resolution is set to ‘Repair Completed’)

      • Or are temporary repaired (Resolution is set to ‘Temporary Repair’ and have a follow up work order or deferred maintenance generated for the checklist item.

      • Or have a Resolution equal to blank, but the follow-up work order is completed, or, in case of deferred maintenance, the deferred maintenance is assigned to a work order that is completed.
        If only one checklist item does not meet any of these requirements, the equipment will remain non-operational.

        This attempt to set equipment back to an operational status is also performed when the user closes the work order.

    5. If the value of the Organization Option CHCKLFUP = ‘ON,’ then the system will automatically generate Follow-up work orders or Deferred Maintenance activities for all items marked for ‘Follow-up,’ after the review process is completed. Whether the system creates follow-up work orders or deferred maintenance is controlled by Organization Option WOFUTYPE.

    6. Change the work order status based on the setting of the Reviewed By WO Status field on the task plan, providing all other activities with a checklist have a Reviewed By signature as well. Additionally, the task plans of these activities must have Prevent Reviewed By Signature unselected and all task plans of the work order must have the same value for Reviewed By WO Status.

    7. If Create from Checklist on the Nonconformities Setup screen is activated, the system will create nonconformities and / or nonconformity observations for all checklist items where Enable Nonconformities is selected and where:

      • Type is "Good/Poor," and "Poor" is selected, and Nonconformity Type is not blank, or

      • Type is "Nonconformity Check," and "Nonconformity" is selected, or

      • Type is "Nonconformity Measurement," and "Nonconformity" is selected, or

      • Type is any other value and Nonconformity Type is not blank.

        If an open nonconformity for the same Equipment, Nonconformity Type (could be blank), and Aspect (must be filled in on the checklist item) already exists, the system will not create a new nonconformity. Instead, the system will add an observation to the existing nonconformity providing it is not yet attached to the work order.

  9. Condition As Found—This dropdown is sensitive to the Condition As Found Options that were configured on the Checklist tab of the Task Plans screen and will show a distinct list of all options used on any of the checklist items attached to the work order activity.

    Note that when you update a record on this tab after e-Signatures have been placed, providing the Task Plan was not set up for extra security, the performed by, and reviewed by details will be cleared by the system. A Task Plan with extra security setup, will not allow changes after the signatures are placed.

  10. UDFs—The work order activity user defined fields are available in this section as well. Use the screen designer to make them appear.

    When you update a record on this tab after e-Signatures have been placed, the performed by and reviewed by details will be cleared by the system.

    Exception: The system will not clear these details if the task plan has View Only Responsibility, or Review Responsibility, or Perform By Responsibility entered. For these responsibility-restricted checklists, the signatures can only be removed using the Reject Performed By or Reject Performed By 2 check boxes.

  11. Actions

    • View Comments—View the comments attached to the Task Plan of the activity.

    • View Documents—View the documents attached to the Task Plan of the activity.

    • View Checklist Item Comments—View the comments attached to individual checklist items. The Comments Attached counter will indicate how many are attached. This includes all comments in all languages, not just the comment in the language of the user.

    • Add/Edit Checklist Item Documents—Attach pictures and other documents as required to individual checklist items. The Documents Attached counter will indicate how many are attached.

    • Create Follow-up WO—The system creates follow-up work orders for all checklist items flagged for follow-up.

    • Create Deferred Maintenance—The system creates follow-up deferred maintenance activities for all checklist items flagged for follow-up.
      Note: Based on the setting of Organization Option WOFUTYPE, the system will only show the relevant button to either create follow-up work orders or deferred maintenance.

    • Linear Location Details—If the checklist item is associated to linear equipment this popup allows you to define greater detail with respect to the from and to position of the result being entered.