Work Order | Activities | Checklist popup - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Checklists Mobile

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

From the mobile menu select the Work Order screen and then select a work order, scroll to the Activities panel, and select an existing activity. The Activity panel shows the activity details and if the activity has a checklist associated a Checklist button will appear. If you have access to the checklist this button will be enabled, and the Checklist popup will appear after you tap it.

The Checklist popup has the following important attributes:

  1. Group Lines: The checklist is organized in groups based on the Group Label. Every group may have one or more checklist items associated. Collapse or expand a group by tapping the appropriate icon. The group line without a description, if present, represents the checklist items that do not have a group label associated.

    Group lines are displayed in alphabetical order of Group Label code as defined in base on the System Codes screen.

  2. Summary Lines: Once a group is expanded the checklist summary lines are displayed. These display the checklist item description and a summary of the entered results, like the measured value or the status (Completed, Yes or No, Good or Poor, etc.). Summary lines can be expanded one by one to enter the checklist details.

    Summary lines are displayed in order of Route Sequence, the Linear Location (for linear references only), the Equipment, then Inspection Point, then Sequence and then Occurrence.

  3. Checklist Details: Checklist details differ per line and depend on the checklist type selected for that line. You may see the following:

    • Completed button if the type is Checklist Item.

    • Yes / No button if the type is Question (Yes/No).

    • Findings lookup if the type is Qualitative.

    • Value field for a quantitative measurement if the type is Quantitative.

    • Value field for a meter reading if the type is Meter Reading.

    • Value field and Findings lookup for an inspection if the type is Inspection.

    • OK / Repairs Needed button if the type is OK/Repair Needed.

    • Good / Poor button if the type is Good/Poor.

    • Ok / Adjusted button if the type is OK/Adjusted.

    • Ok / Adjusted button and Value field if the type is OK/Adjusted Measurement.

    • Ok / Severity button if the type is Nonconformity Check.

    • Ok / Severity button and Value field if the type is Nonconformity Measurement.

    • Date field if the type is Date.

    • Date/Time field if the type is Date/Time.

    • Text field if the type is Free Text.

      The look and feel of the Severity button depends on the configuration in base EAM. It may be one button that simply says ‘Nonconformity’. Or the system may show up to 3 buttons each representing a severity. If more than 3 severity options are configured the system will show a severity button that behaves like a lookup when you tap it. For a Nonconformity Measurement, after you enter a value, the system will automatically indicate whether the result is OK or whether it is a nonconformity with a certain severity. Overriding this default system selection, which is based on pre-defined tolerances, is allowed. The system however will still clearly indicate the default button on the screen.

      The look and feel of the Value field also depends on the configuration in base EAM. It may be a simple entry field. But it may also appear as two sliders. One slider lets you select the integer value, and the other slider shows fractions in increments of 1/16 or 1/32 (imperial) or 1/10 (metric).

The following fields and options are always available on the checklist details:

  1. Note: Free text notes field. This field also allows quick selection of pre-configured notes that are regularly used. But the handling of pre-configured notes depends on the mobile device you are using. If notes are pre-configured in base EAM, you can either

    • Start typing and the system shows a selection of notes consistent with what you typed (tablets). When you see your note on the list simply tap it. Adding another note can be done by entering a comma end start typing again.

    • Tap the lookup icon and select a pre-configured note from the list (phones). Adding another note can be done by tapping the lookup again.

      Obviously, you can also enter a free text note and combine that with pre-configured notes, if desired.

  2. Attach Document: The paperclip can be used to add a picture, video or voice memo to the checklist. Once a document is associated, the icon changes, indicating something is attached. You can delete documents as well once you are in the Documents popup.

  3. Clear: Tapping the Clear button will remove all entered data from the checklist item. Note that documents will not be deleted by this button.

  4. Information: Tapping the Information icon will bring up the information popup where you can see more details of the checklist item. Like equipment details, follow-up work order, reference data if available, etc.

The following fields and options are available on the checklist details depending on configuration of base EAM:

  1. Not Applicable: If this button is present, you can identify a checklist item as not applicable. Any data already entered on the line will be cleared. If there is more than one not applicable option configured, this button will behave as a lookup.

  2. Direction: If present, direction usually comes in the form of 2 buttons. For example, Up and Down, Left and Right or maybe East and West. And usually they only appear if a value must be entered and the system administrator wants to know the direction of an adjustment you made, say 1 inch to the left.

  3. Follow-up: If this button is present, you can request a follow-up work order or deferred maintenance.

  4. Final Occurrence: If this button is present, you can identify this line as the last occurrence, so that new occurrences will not be created when you enter data for this checklist item.

  5. Nonconformity Type: If this lookup is present, you can select a type of nonconformity for this checklist item.

  6. Aspect: Display only field for checklist items of type inspection.

  7. Point: Display only field for checklist items of type inspection.

  8. Linear Equipment related fields: Linear fields only appear when the checklist item is associated to linear equipment and, even then, only when the administrator has allowed entry of these fields. The following linear fields will show:

    • From Point: Starting point of the result / problem.

    • From Point Ref. Description: Free text field.

    • From Point Geographical Ref.: Free text field.

    • To Point: Ending point of the result / problem.

    • To Point Ref. Description: Free text field.

    • To Point Geographical Ref.: Free text field.

  9. View Comment: If this button is present, it gives access to comments that could help filling in the checklist. If there are no comments the button will not display.

  10. The following icons may appear on the details as well:

    • Required to Close: The ‘regulatory’ icon is displayed if the checklist item is regulatory. Otherwise if the checklist item is required the ‘required’ icon is displayed. Or the ‘warning’ icon is displayed if the system will warn you if the line is not entered.

    • Color: Additionally, a ‘color’ icon will be displayed if the checklist item has a color associated.

  11. As Found: This field will only be displayed on the summary lines and is automatically set when you select a Condition As Found option on the Activity panel. Note that Condition As Found only shows if the task plan is configured as such.

    A checklist item may be protected if that line is automatically calculated. There is no indicator that a line is calculated, but you will see results appear automatically based on the entry of data on the source lines that feed the calculation. For example, after you enter a width of 5 and a length of 10 on checklist item 1 and 2, the system may show 50 for the area on checklist item number 3. You can still attach documents to these lines.

    A checklist item may be protected if the responsibility for that line is not associated to you. If the line must be entered by the electrician for example, and you are the mechanic. The responsibility is not displayed on the checklist item, but you can use the filter mechanism to show lines for a certain responsibility.

  12. Filter Options: This button will bring up a popup where you can select the relevant checklist items you want to see. The button label is dynamic. The default is All. The following selections are available on the popup:

    • All—Show all checklist items. This is the default state.

    • Required—Only shows the checklist items that are required, i.e. where Required to Close is either Yes or Regulatory.

    • Attention—Only shows the checklist items where notes are entered or an attachment is associated or a Nonconformity Type is entered or Repairs Needed is selected.

    • Responsibility—Depending on the task plan setup one or two responsibility buttons may appear. Selecting a responsibility button will only show checklist items for that responsibility. If no responsibility buttons show, the task plan does not constraint any checklist item entry by responsibility.

      Once you made your selection tap X to activate it. Or tap Clear All Filters to reset the selection back to All.

  13. Collapse All: Click this button to quickly collapse all detail and summary lines and show group lines only.

Click X to close the checklist popup and return to the calling screen.

The checklist popup look and feel depends on the HxGN EAM version and task plan. If the HxGN EAM version is less or equal to 11.3 or the task plan has Enable Enhanced Planning selected, then the system will open the old checklist popup. This old popup does not support the checklist item types Good/Poor, OK/Adjusted, OK/Adjusted Measurement, Nonconformity Check and Nonconformity Measurement and is limited on the configuration capabilities. It is not possible to group lines, hide the follow-up button or the linear fields for example, and it does not support the not applicable and direction buttons, the nonconformity type selection, pre-configured notes and attachments. It also does not support sliders to enter values or calculated formulas. And most important, it does not support the responsibility security checks.

The system can be configured to indicate that Summary lines are incomplete (organization option CHCKLCPB is set to ON). A red line appears to the right of these incomplete lines and will persist if you expand the summary line to see the details. Lines that have not been started and lines that are complete will not have the indicator.

Note that the incomplete indicator only shows for lines where Required to Close is ‘Yes’ or ‘Regulatory’. Lines set at ‘Warning’ or ‘No’ will never show the indicator.