On the Approval Steps tab of the Approval Workflow Setup screen, you specify the user(s) that are responsible for reviewing and approving the workflow event. There are multiple Approval Step types you can choose from to get a user (or list of users) as approvers on a workflow event. You can also specify whether the system should auto-approve or auto-reject a workflow event, if desired.
Important attributes are:
Sequence—Unique integer specifying the order in which the approval step will be processed when added to the workflow event.
‘User ID’–Choose a static User ID from a lookup.
‘Approval List’–Choose a static Approval List from a lookup.
When an Approval List is selected, each user specified on the Approval List will be added as an individual Approval Step line on the workflow event, in Sequence and Responsibility as defined on the Approval List. Approval lists are created on the Approval Lists screen and are part of revision control in EAM.
‘Parameter – User ID’–Choose a Parameter Definition record. The selected column from the source record needs to contain a valid User ID value, such as the ‘Created By’ fields.
‘Parameter – Person’–Choose a Parameter Definition record. The selected column needs to contain a valid Employee value, such as the ‘Assigned To’ field on a work order (EVT_PERSON).
‘Parameter – Approval List’–Choose a Parameter Definition record. The selected column needs to contain a valid Approval List value.
‘System Auto-Approve’–When added to the workflow event, the system will bypass any user approval steps created, approve the workflow event, and update the source record’s status to the specified End of Workflow Approved status. This type should have Step Conditions applied. For example, the purchase order is less than $500. Otherwise, it will always be processed.
‘System Auto-Reject’–If you select this option, you must specify the required Reject Reason field. When added to workflow event, the system will bypass any user approval steps created, reject the workflow event, and update the source record’s status to the specified End of Workflow Rejected status and populate the Reject Reason. Just like auto approval, this type should have Step Conditions applied. Otherwise, it will always be processed.
Responsibility—Optional free-text field to specify a Responsibility grouping. When a user approves their Approval Step with a Responsibility defined, all Approval Steps that share the same Responsibility grouping value will also be approved. If there are three safety coordinators that can all approve the work order safety analysis, the first safety coordinator to do so will approve for the other two.
Create Step Conditions Button—Approval Steps can have one or more Step Conditions assigned to them so that they are only added to a workflow event when all Step Conditions are met. Not specifying any Step Conditions to an Approval Step means the approval step would always be applied to every workflow event when created.
Column—Choose a Parameter Definition record. The system will un-hide and make required an operator and value field.