Step 1. Copying files from the Database server CD - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Installation & Upgrade

HxGN EAM Application Installation

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Installation & Upgrade
HxGN EAM Version
  1. Locate the …\ORACLE\ directory, and then create a new folder, such as, SCRIPTS. If you have more than one HxGN EAM environment (schema), you must create a folder for each schema.

  2. Locate the …\TOOLS\SQL directory on the HxGN EAM Database Server CD, and then copy all the scripts to the folder created in step 1.

  3. Locate either the …\INSTALL\SERVER\120UPG\SINGLE BYTE or the …\INSTALL\SERVER\120UPG\MULTI BYTE directory on the HxGN EAM Database Server CD depending on whether you wish to install version 12.0 in a single byte or multibyte encoding scheme, and then copy all the files to the folder created in step 1.