Configuring eSignature authentication with SSO from a browser - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Installation & Upgrade

HxGN EAM Application Installation

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Installation & Upgrade
HxGN EAM Version

This mechanism is only supported in base EAM. It is not supported in the Digital Work mobile app.

Beginning with EAM 11.6.1, an alternate mechanism is now supported to authenticate the user when SSO is enabled employing SAML methodology.

  1. You must set the install parameter values for LGNEAM and ESGATHSL as follows to enable this mechanism:



  1. EAM should be configured with JWT. See the section in this guide on configuring JWT for full details.

  2. The system considers the JWTEXPRY install parameter value to determine the lifespan of the JSON web token (JWT) used in this authentication mechanism.

    The maximum value will be 1800 seconds. If the value of this parameter is invalid or less than the system-configured default value (from the YML configuration), the default value will be used.

    The install parameter JWTEXPRY is considered to define the lifespan of JWT only during the eSignature authentication with SSO from a browser, not during any other scenarios in which JWT is used for authentication in the EAM application.