Mapping additional fields for work order alerts - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Alert Management

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HxGN EAM Version

Additional Field Mapping – Click this button to ‘fine tune’ your work order. Select a work order field on this popup and then associate the grid field you want to populate the work order field. For example, if your grid has a field that determines priority conditionally (CASE statement), you can use that to dynamically populate the priority for each created work order through the alert.

Use the delay feature to prevent creating too many work orders for the same reason. If the alert searches for equipment with a condition score of 2 or below and creates an alert for that equipment, it may not be realistic to assume that tomorrow this issue will be fixed, and therefore it makes no sense to create another work order for the same issue and equipment again.

  • Delay Between – Select the time you want the alert to skip after the creation of a work order before it creates a new one. The Grid Key 1 and 2 fields selected on the record view of the alert are important here. Whenever an alert is created the system will also create an alert history record with the values of both grid key fields copied into that history record, as well as the date and time of the alert. With those three fields the system can tell the last time the alert was raised for that key combination and can then determine if enough time has passed to raise a new alert for the same key combination or if it should suppress the alert. For work order alerts it makes a lot of sense to use the equipment number and equipment organization for Grid Key 1 and 2. But this is not a requirement.

    Hint: Another way to handle delay is in your grid. A grid can use any table accessible, and therefore also the alert history table. By joining the history table with the work order table, you can see that the work order that was created by the same alert is not yet closed and therefore no new work order should be created. Here is an example select statement. Note the NOT EXISTS in the WHERE clause.


    Equipment Org,
    Any other fields

    FROM table XYZ
    WHERE something = something

    SELECT 'x' from r5alerthistory, r5events
    WHERE alh_entitycode = evt_object -- Grid Key 1
    AND alh_entityorg = evt_object_org -- Grid Key 2
    AND alh_alert = :parameter.alert -- Current running alert
    AND alh_rstatus = 'S' -- History record status
    AND alh_rtype = 'WA' -- History record alert type
    WA = Work Order
    AND alh_resultcode = evt_code -- Work order number created
    AND evt_rstatus <> 'C') -- Work order (system) status