Generate production request (Batch) - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Advanced Maintenance Planning

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HxGN EAM Version

The batch generation process begins on the Parameters tab of the Generate Production Request screen. Here, the Maintenance Planner enters the criteria for determining the work orders for which production requests will be created. Work orders can be filtered by several work order attributes including department, work order type, equipment, organization, and by date range (requested start/end date). A Generate Option exists allowing the Maintenance Planner to determine the generated production request status, such as unfinished or approved.

Once the parameter values are entered, the Maintenance Planner will click the Process button to search for the work orders meeting the criteria. See the next image for details of the Parameter page.

The system queries for work orders meeting the following criteria in addition to the specified parameter information:

  • Requested Start Date Range (begin date) <= WO Req. Start Date <= Requested Start Date Range (end date).

  • System status <> ‘A’ (awaiting release), ‘B’ (bypassed due to nesting), or ‘C’ (completed) i.e., system statuses = ‘Q’ (work request) and ‘R’ (released) are valid.

  • Current has no production request associated. Current has no production order associated.

  • WO Type on the work order is not in the Exclude WO Type list on the Advanced Maintenance

  • Planning Configuration screen.

  • At least one resource is associated to the work order. Work order is not a multiple equipment work order.

  • Work order is not of type ‘MEC’ (multiple equipment child).

  • The work order will be excluded if work order Req. Start Date is NULL.

  • If department security is enabled, only work orders for which the user has full rights will be displayed.

  • If work order authorization is enabled, only work orders for which the user has update rights will be displayed.

  • If the Include Work Orders Without Resources check box is selected, the system will display work orders that do not have resources but meet all other criteria.

  • Use the Generated Production Request Status check box to select the status for which to generate the resulting production requests. The user may choose from unfinished or approved statuses.

The system will place focus on the work order preview page (see the next image) to display a list of the work orders meeting the criteria entered on the parameter page. Any work orders not meeting the parameter values entered or the additional criteria listed above will not be included.

The Maintenance Planner will select the work orders for which to generate production requests and click the Preview Production Request button.

There is a one-to-one relationship between the selected work order and the generated production request. A single production request will contain only a single work order.

The Maintenance Planner will then click the Preview Production Request button to shift focus to the production request preview page (see the next image).

The production request preview page displays all impacted resources based on work orders selected on the WO preview page (see the previous image). Data is displayed at the resource level of detail to offer Maintenance Planners one final review prior to production request generation.

Maintenance Planners can select and unselect resources that will be impacted by the work order. In addition, they may vary time- based fields (warm-up, cool-down, and downtime) and offset times sent to the ERP via the production request.

When the Create Production Request button is clicked the system generates a production request for each work order for which a resource is selected. As production requests are generated the details can be viewed on the Production Request screen or the production details section of the work order.

Following production request review and approval the integration will forward approved production requests from the EAM to the ERP.

For generating production requests automatically see Advanced Maintenance Planning Configuration screen for further details.