Resources for equipment - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Advanced Maintenance Planning

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

There are two types of work orders: planned (preventive) and unplanned (breakdown).

As unplanned work orders are created for equipment, for example on the bottling line mentioned earlier, this work has the potential to impact related resources from an ERP perspective. Therefore, it has the potential to affect finished goods production. The resource for equipment screen allows the Maintenance Planner to designate resources that will be impacted when work is performed on the equipment.

This relationship within EAM allows the display of integrated ERPs with timely feedback into resource requirements from the maintenance perspective.

Resources can be associated to equipment either by directly associating them to the equipment or by allowing the resource to be inherited from parent equipment.

If a child equipment’s resources are the same as its parent equipment resources, the Maintenance Administrator may choose to directly associate resources to the upper most parent equipment. The system will display the parent’s resources on each of the children unless the Maintenance Administrator associates specific resources to the child equipment. The Administrator may copy the parent resources to the child by clicking the Copy Resources link (see Figure 6). Any necessary resource changes can then be made specifically for the child equipment resources.

Cool-down Time is used to hold the amount of time that must pass, for any reason, between shutting the equipment off and when the actual maintenance activity can begin. In many cases there is an equipment cool-down period due to extremely high operating temperatures.

Warm-up Time is used to hold the amount of time that must pass, for any reason, between the completion of the maintenance work and when the machine is placed back into service. In many cases a machine will need to warm up to operating temperature or cycled many times before normal operating can resume.

These times occur whenever breakdown work is necessary. When preventive maintenance activities require different cool-down and warm-up times, they can be setup differently for each PM schedule. This is discussed in more detail further in this paper.

  • Remember to enable resources for equipment by checking the Track Resources check box on the equipment prior to associating resources (See Equipment).

  • When associating resources to equipment directly, the administrator can click the Select Resources link to choose one or more resources to associate. In addition, the resource lookup may be used to associate a single resource.

  • If the resource for the equipment is made inactive by unselecting the Active check box, the selected the resource will not be copied to breakdown work orders created for the equipment. However, inactive equipment resources are still copied to any PM schedules if the equipment is associated to the PM schedule, although the resource will be marked as inactive for the PM as well. Inactive resources can be activated individual PM schedules when necessary.

As the Maintenance Planner inserts, updates, or deletes resources associated to an asset, the system automatically logs a history of these changes (see the image below). The system makes a copy of the record prior to the change and stores it along with the change date, the user making the change, and the change actions, such as insert, update, and delete.

Resource change history can be viewed at any time by clicking the View Resource History link button (see Figure 6)

Comparing the Resource History record dated 2/5/2008 (resource = L1J) with the current L1J resource record on the resources tab of equipment the user SDS updated the Warm-up Time from 45 hours to 30 hours.

The history log feature is always enabled. The administrator is not required to activate this feature within the EAM product.