Synonym Rule Examples - Full-Text Retrieval (FTR) - Help

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The following examples illustrate the various forms of synonym rules:

The term d.e.c. or dec produces the alternatives digital- equipment-corp, dec's, or various longer forms. The term dec also produces december: d.e.c. dec dec's : d.e.c dec dec's



digital-equipment-corporation's ;

dec december ;

The terms one or 1 are equal to each other; similarly, for first or 1st: one 1 ;

first 1st ;

The term monkey produces monkey, monkeys, or monkey's. This rule overrides the previous + y... suffix rule, that would produce monkey, monkeies, or monkeie's: monkey monkeys monkey's ;

The terms whereas and wherefore have no alternative forms:

whereas wherefore : ;

Such rules can improve search performance by preventing the generation of alternatives that would otherwise have to be looked up in the index files. If the words are also in a stop file associated with all collections, the rule is redundant.