FTR Preview window - Full-Text Retrieval (FTR) - Help

Full-Text Retrieval (FTR) Help

Full-Text Retrieval (FTR)
Search by Category

Allows you to search for objects or files that contain specified search text. You can search by relevance or by object type.

Search by - Allows you to select a search criteria.

  • Relevance - Select this option to search by relevance.

  • Object Type - Select this option to search by an object type.

Search box - Allows you to enter the search criteria.

The Search box displays the search history only for the current active user session.

Results - Displays the results matching the search criteria.

  • If the search results exceed 50, you can view the results in multiple pages.

  • The search results can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking any column in the Results area.

Get Results - Displays the detailed object information in the List view when you select a check box corresponding to a search result.

SHARED Tip You can also view the object information by clicking any search result in the Results area.


The page size for search results is based on the value defined for the Paged query size parameter on the FTRPreview method. The Paged query size has a default value of 50.