Add Compound Filter Dialog - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 2019 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon

Filter Manager Help

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)
Smart Engineering Manager Version
10 (2019)

A compound filter consists of more than one simple filter. Simple filters are added to the compound filter by dragging the simple filter to the compound filter folder or by creating new simple filters under the compound filter in the filter hierarchy. Compound filters apply only to homogeneous item types.This dialog box allows you to specify the properties of a new compound filter, including the name, description, and whether to match all or any of the simple filter criteria.


Specifies the filter name. The name can be any combination of characters and has no length limit. Filter names within a plant must be unique. This name appears as the filter name in the Filter Manager interface.


Specifies a phrase or sentence about the filter. The description can be any combination of characters and has no length limit. The description appears as a ToolTip when you point to the filter name in the Filter Manager interface.

Filter method

Allows you to decide whether items must meet all or only one criterion to pass through the filter.

Match all

Specifies that items matching ALL of the filtering criteria pass through the filter.

Match any

Specifies that items matching any one or more of the filtering criteria pass through the filter. Match any is the default matching method.