Open Plant Structure Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager - 11 - Help - Hexagon

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Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Smart Engineering Manager Version

Sets options for connecting to a site and plant structure and passes user access information to the application.

Available plant structures

Lists plant structures in the site to which you are currently connected. You can select only one item from this List view at a time.

Application type

Allows you to display those plants associated with the selected application type.


Connects you to the selected plant. When you select this button, the application also checks to make sure you have the correct access privileges for the selected plant structure and passes your access information back to Smart Engineering Manager.

Site Server

Opens the Open Site Server dialog, allowing you to select a SmartPlantV4.ini file from local and network directories. Plant structures that correspond to the initialization file that you choose are subsequently displayed in the list of available plant structures.