Logging Levels - EcoSys - Customization & Programming - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Web Service API Usage Documentation

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There are three levels of logging available. This table summarizes the options and their behavior:

Logging Level Value



A start and end marker will be logged, along with information about the API call and a summary report of the result. The summary report includes a count of received-vs-successful records and basic timing information. No per-record log entries are written.


All the detail as for SUMMARY mode, plus one batch job log entry is written for every input data record that fails to be written. Relevant errors and reason codes for failed records are included.


All the detail as for SUMMARY mode, plus one batch job log entry is written for every input data record, whether successful or failed. Every warning or error result message is written, which may include more than one message per input data record.

By default, the API will not create any entries in the batch job log. Since both FAIL and DETAIL modes have the potential to write one or more batch job log entries per input record, this extra data volume and queries may impact performance.