Establish Change Administration - EcoSys - 2.04 - Help - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Projects Help (2.04)

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EcoSys Standard Version

The Change Admin tab is used to define change approval thresholds as well as change ID formats.

Approval thresholds L1 through L3 may be set as desired for the selected project. Changes exceeding the individual thresholds are subject to approval by users designated at that approval level as defined in the Workflow Admin tab. Thresholds must not overlap. See the table below for additional direction on settings approval thresholds.


Level 1 Threshold

Level 2 Threshold

Level 3 Threshold





Level 1 approval is always required – no other levels are required.




Below L1 threshold, project is auto-approved. Above the L1 threshold, Level 1 must approve. No other levels are required.

L1 threshold amount



Below a L1 threshold, project is auto-approved. Above Threshold L1, L1 approver must approve. Above Threshold L2, L2 approver must also approve. Level 3 not required.

L1 threshold amount

L2 threshold amount


Below a L1 threshold, project is auto-approved. Above Threshold L1, L1 approver must approve. Above Threshold L2, L2 approver must also approve. Above Threshold L3, L3 approver must also approve.

L1 threshold amount

L2 threshold amount

L3 threshold amount

* denotes a cost that no project will ever exceed.

Approval type determines whether all or any approvers may approve for the designated level.

  • Choose Any May Approve if approval by any of the approvers at the selected level may trigger approval at that level.

  • Choose All Must Approve if all of the approvers at the selected level must approve before approval at that level is granted.

An EcoSys user may designate whether or not the thresholds should apply to transfers. If Apply Thresholds to Transfers is assigned, the total value of the change is compared against the sum of change line items which are greater than 0. This option may be preferred if the net total of a change is zero because costs are being transferred from one project structure (such as contingency) to another. If Apply Thresholds to Transfers is set to No, the total value of the change is used compared against the established change thresholds. The Change Admin tab controls the customization of project-specific IDs to be used for newly created project changes. This customization includes prefixes, suffixes, and the ability to increment by any provided number. It is critical that the Digits (number of digits including leading zeros) as well as the Increment is established. If either of these numbers are missing, the change ID will not generate as expected. The hierarchy path delimiter (typically a period, or ".") must not be used in either the prefix or suffix.