In addition to the built-in standard functions, additional flexibility is available using the FMSeverSettings.Properties file. You can edit this file from within the application through the System Admin, Edit Server Settings menu. The following options are available within this file:
Project Imports
The following settings allow a filter to be created for importing P6 projects. The values may be any API-compliant project filter fields.
To filter by project status, specify the status you wish to import (any or all of the below):
import.primavera.dictionary.Project.filter=((Status='WS_Open') or (Status='WS_Closed') or (Status='WS_Planned'))
To filter for a specific project ID:
The following code relates to the number of project code filters to be used to filter projects. For a filter to be applied, all of the following lines must be completed. The syntax is:
import.primavera.dictionary.Project.ProjectCodeFilter.Count=[Total project code filters]
Where Total project code filters = the number of iterations the following 4 lines of code are repeated.
import.primavera.dictionary.Project.ProjectCodeFilter.CodeType.[#]=[Primavera Project Code Type name]
import.primavera.dictionary.Project.ProjectCodeFilter.Code.[#]=[Primavera Project code value]
import.primavera.dictionary.Project.ProjectCodeFilter.CostObjectTypeId.[#]=[FM Cost Object Type internal id]
import.primavera.dictionary.Project.ProjectCodeFilter.OwnerFundingSourceId.[#]=[FM Funding Source internal id]
Replace # with the filter number (that is, #1 for the first filter, #2 for the second filter, and so on). This must be the same for the four lines of code, and then repeated for any additional filters. For the Primavera Project Code Type and Project Code Value filters, specify the external P6 values (as seen in the P6 GUI) that will be used to determine which projects are imported from P6 in to EcoSys.
For the FM Cost Object Type and Funding Source lines, specify the internal EcoSys values of the Cost Object Type and/or Funding Source (Organization) for the cost objects to be created with when imported from P6 as a result of the corresponding filter.
Make sure the Count matches the number of group of project code filter settings.
This code controls whether to update P6 project code assignments for successfully imported or updated projects. Possible values are True and False. The default setting is False.
If set to True, then set the project code type name to update the P6 project code assignment. Values can be any valid P6 project code type name. A blank value disables the update project code assignment.
import.primavera.dictionary.Project.UpdateProjectCodeTypeOnSuccess=IMPORTED TO FM
Set the project code value which will be updated in P6 for successfully imported or updated projects. Acceptable values are any valid P6 project code value of project code type above. A blank value disables the update project code assignment.
Project Code Imports
The following code can be used to create a filter when importing P6 Project codes. Possible values are any API-compliant ProjectCodeType filter values.
import.primavera.dictionary.ProjectCodeType.filter=(Name=’xxxUndefinedxxx’) (this will import no codes)
This will import all the code types listed in the filter:
import.primavera.dictionary.ProjectCodeType.filter=(Name='PC_Project Status' or Name='PC_Project Sponsor' or Name='PC_Project Type' or Name='PC_BOM Reporting' or Name='PC_Project Category' or Name='PC_Project Status VWFS' or Name='PC_FTE Saving Info' or Name='PC_Projected Benefit Info' or Name='PC_Project Manager' or Name='PC_IT Budget Figure')
Resource Imports
The following setting allows a filter to be created for importing P6 resources. The values may be any API-compliant project filter fields.
To filter by resource type:
For Material resources use RT_Mat, and for NonLabor, use RT_Equip.
The following code allows a number of resource code filters to be used to filter resources. For a filter to be applied, all of the following lines must be completed. The syntax is:
import.primavera.dictionary.Resource.ResouceCodeFilter.Count=[Total resource code filters]
Where Total resource code filters equals the number of iterations the following lines of code are repeated.
import.primavera.dictionary.Resource.ResouceCodeFilter.CodeType.[#]=[Primavera Resource Code Type name]
import.primavera.dictionary.Resource.ResouceCodeFilter.Code.[#]=[Primavera Resource code value]
Replace # with the filter number (that is, #1 for the first filter, #2 for the second filter, and so on). This must be the same for the two lines of code, and then repeated for any additional filters. For the Primavera Project Code Type and Project code value, specify the external data source values.
Make sure the Count matches the number of groups of resource code filter settings.
Resource Code Imports
The following settings allow a filter to be created for importing P6 resource code types and resource codes. The values may be any API-compliant resource filter fields.
import.primavera.dictionary.ResourceCodeType.filter=(Name='RC_Type of Employee')
Activity Code Imports
You can use following code create a filter when importing P6 Activity codes. Possible values are any API-compliant ProjectCodeType filter values.
import.primavera.dictionary.ActivityCodeType.filter=(Name=’xxxUndefinedxxx’) (this will import no codes)
import.primavera.dictionary.ActivityCodeType.filter=(Name=’Department’) (this will import only codes specified in the filter)
To import activity codes as task categories and to specify which activity codes are imported as task categories, use the following setting:
import.primavera.dictionary.ActivityCodeTypeAsTaskCategory.filter=(Name='activitycodetype1' OR Name='activitycodetype2')
This ActivityCodeTypeAsTaskCategory setting enables you to import a different set of activity codes as task categories vs transaction categories.
Dates/Actuals/Expense Imports
This setting controls whether to import P6 expense actuals using activity dates. By default, the difference of current expense and past expense total is imported into the current minor period. When set to use activity dates, the current expense is imported only if the expense date falls into the current minor period, and the expense date is the Activity Start Date if the Accrual type is End of Activity. Otherwise, it is the Activity Start Date. Possible values are True or False.
This setting controls whether to import dates from P6 Planned Dates. By default, EcoSys imports from baseline dates in P6. Possible values are True or False.
This setting controls whether to import overtime from P6 Timesheets. Possible values are True or False.
The following allows for field maps to be created for importing P6 expense field values into transaction custom fields EcoSys. Example syntax is shown below.
Actual Expenses:
import.actual.expense.UDFMap.Count=[Total fields]
import.actual.expense.UDFMap.[#]=[API Expense Field Name]|[FM UDF Type Name]
Forecast Expenses:
import.forecast.expense.UDFMap.Count=[Total fields]
import.forecast.expense.UDFMap.[#]=[API Expense Field Name]|[FM UDF Type Name]
Make sure the Count matches number of field maps created. The rows can be repeated
multiple times.
Forecast Exports
Set the resource assignment custom field to be used by EcoSys on export to P6:
Set the custom field value: