View the Capital Plan Summary by Fund Type - EcoSys - 4.02 - Help - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Portfolios Help (4.02)

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EcoSys Standard Version

The Capital Plan Summary by Fund panel displays the project cost and capital planning information. This projects along with their associated information are sorted based on the funds allocated to the projects.

To view the capital plan summary by fund:

  1. Navigate to Portfolios > Capital Budgeting and Planning Analysis.

  2. At the top of the screen, in the tool bar, click the ellipsis to select the required values in the below fields:

    • Capital Plan Snapshot - Select the required capital plan snapshot label

    • Start Year - Select the required fiscal start year

    • End Year - Select the required fiscal end year

  3. Click the by Fund tab. The corresponding project cost details appear in the Capital Plan by Fund Source panel. The details listed below appear:

    • Group Fund: Displays the fund name.

    • Project ID: Displays the project ID.

    • Project Name: Displays the project name.

    • Project Status: Displays the project status.

    • Start Date: Displays the project start date.

    • End Date: Displays the project end date.

    • Total Budget: Displays the total project budget.

    • Total Actuals: Displays the total project actuals.

    • Fiscal Budget: Displays the current project budget of the project.

    • Fiscal Actuals: Displays the actuals of the project.

    • Fiscal Variance: Displays the difference between the current budget and the actuals.

    • Fiscal Capital Plan: Displays the budget of the project for the selected capital plan.

    • Fiscal Allocation: Displays the fund amount allocated to the project.

  4. The Capital Plan for Start Year line chart will display the current budget, funding, and capital plan costs for the enterprise and the selected Period.

    • To view the current budget, funding, current budget snapshot, and current forecast for projects allocated to a specific fund, click a fund in Capital Plan by Fund Source panel.

  5. The Capital Plan Multi-Year line chart will display the current budget, funding, and capital plan costs for the enterprise beginning at the Start Year and ending with the End Year.

    • To view the current budget, funding, current budget snapshot, and current forecast for projects allocated to a specific fund, click a fund in Capital Plan by Fund Source panel.

  6. The Portfolio Fund Allocation pie cart displays funds allocated to projects in the enterprise by fund.

    • To view the fund allocation for specific project type, click the project type Capital Plan by Fund Source panel.