Capital Plan Forecast Snapshot Comparison - EcoSys - 3.02 - Help - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Portfolios Help (3.02)

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EcoSys Standard Version

The Capital Plan Forecast Comparison dashboard allows you to analyze the changes in the forecast values of all the projects in a portfolio during different time periods. Also, the current forecast for all projects for the selected portfolio and associated sub-portfolios appear.

You can customize the view of the Forecast Comparison Summary panel from the view settings.

Follow the procedure below to view the capital plan snapshot:

  1. Navigate to Portfolios > Capital Pan Forecast Snapshot Comparison.

  2. At the top of the screen, in the green parameter bar, click the below ellipsis to select the required capital plan snapshot and period:

    • Capital Plan Snapshot A

    • Capital Plan Snapshot B

    • Capital Plan Snapshot C

    • Portfolio

  3. Click Refresh for screen update.

  4. To compare the current forecast and current forecast snapshot values of all the projects for the selected portfolio, view the Capital Plan Forecast Comparison Chart panel. This comparison is displayed for each month of the selected year in a chart format.

  5. The corresponding project forecast details of the projects in the selected portfolio for the selected capital plan snapshots appear in the Forecast Comparison Summary panel. The following project details and forecast details appear:

    • ID: Displays the project ID.

    • Name: Displays the project name.

    • Project Status: Displays the project status.

    • Current Forecast: Displays the current forecast of the project.

    • <CapitalPlanSnapshotA> Forecast: Displays the current forecast value of the project as captured in the Capital Plan Snapshot A.

    • <CapitalPlanSnapshotB> Forecast: Displays the current forecast value of the project as captured in the Capital Plan Snapshot B.

    • <CapitalPlanSnapshotC> Forecast: Displays the current forecast value of the project as captured in the Capital Plan Snapshot C.

    • Responsible Manager: Displays the responsible manager of the project.

  6. To compare the current forecast and current forecast snapshot values of an individual project, click the Capital Plan Forecast Comparison Chart panel hyperlink in the Forecast Comparison Summary panel. In the Capital Plan Forecast Comparison Chart panel, the comparison is displayed for each month of the selected year in a chart format.